avatarA Shayens Abran


The web content offers a poetic reflection on resilience and hope during challenging times, encouraging individuals to seek support, embrace nature, and find strength in shared human experiences.


The article "When losing hope" uses poetic language to address the universal experience of hardship and the importance of maintaining hope. It acknowledges the pain of shattering losses and the heaviness of burdens that can leave one feeling stuck. The text reassures readers that hope is a resilient force, likened to a flicker of light not extinguished by life's storms. It suggests looking back at past endurance, leaning on loved ones, finding solace in nature, and drawing inspiration from stories of resilience. The poem emphasizes the power of shared human experiences, creativity, and passion in overcoming adversity. It concludes with an affirmation that hope is a guiding light that helps individuals rise from darkness, conquer challenges, and emerge stronger.


  • The author believes in the enduring nature of hope, seeing it as a flame that can be rekindled even in the depths of despair.
  • There is a strong emphasis on the importance of community and relationships; the author suggests that sharing burdens with loved ones provides comfort and strength.
  • The poem conveys the opinion that connecting with nature and appreciating its beauty can offer a perspective that helps alleviate personal suffering.
  • Learning from the triumphs and resilience of others is presented as a valuable source of motivation and guidance.
  • The author advocates for pursuing passions and engaging in creative activities as a means to foster hope and begin anew.
  • The text expresses a belief in the transformative power of hope, viewing it as essential for overcoming adversity and moving forward with grace and elegance.

When losing hope

Poetry of Life

Image by Joshua Arale via Unsplash

In the depths of despair, when hope seems to wane, When the odds causing so much pain, For many have been there, covered in darkness’ blight, Just know that we’re not alone in this difficult fight

Perhaps it’s a loss that’s so shattering, Or a burden that's too heavy and tearing Maybe life’s trials that causing to feel stuck, Unable to find a path forward, down the luck

But fear not, hope still remains, A flicker of light, not yet lost in the rains, To rekindle the spirit value Let these suggestions guiding to start anew

First, remember the fire in the core, The hardships in the past and the other more Believe in the power to endure With each step, the hope will ensure

Don’t bear it alone Seek solace in loved ones, let the hurt feelings be known Their shoulders to lean on, their ears to hear In their comforting presence, find strength to steer

Find the beauty around, In the embrace of mountains, on shores that astound, Connect with the world’s wonders, big and small Let their awe-inspiring presence lift the fall

Seek out stories of resolve, Of triumph over adversity, problems they did solve Learn from their wisdom, their journey and strife Discover renewed purpose in the tapestry of life

Explore passions anew Living life with interest and find joy to pursue Let creativity flow, unleash a true art In the canvas of life, create a fresh start

Never lose sight, There lies a future shining bright Have faith in the journey, trust in the unknown, For hope is reborn when seeds of belief are sown

Rise from the darkness, spread the wings and fly Embrace the unknown with a steadfast eye, Though trials may linger, and obstacles persist, Triumph over adversity, persistently insist

For life is a tapestry, woven with hope With every thread, a chance to learn and cope, No matter the circumstances in the face, Conquer them all, with elegance and grace

So hold on to hope, let it light up and sway Rise from the ashes, stronger each day, Remember, we’re not alone in this plight Conquer the hardship with hope burning bright

Thank you for reading!🙏

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