avatarRuane Remy


When Life Goes Wrong, Go Write

100-word writing advice

Photo by Steve Johnson on Pexels

Having difficulty brainstorming topics to write about? My number-one solution: focus on what went wrong.


  1. A public disaster occurred. Explain why and how it happened. Include the impact on human and animal life. Offer solutions to prevent it from happening again.
  2. You’re writing self-deprecating, non-fiction humour. Focus on an embarrassing moment in your life. Re-tell it as if you’re recounting it to your friends at a party in hopes of eliciting a few laughs.
  3. You want to write bestselling science-fiction. Use the growing climate crisis to inspire a dystopian novel about a future world drowning in rising sea levels.

And that, folks, is advice in 100 words. Now, go forth and write!

Writing Advice
Fiction Writing Advice
Professional Writing
Writing Ideas
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