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When it All Turns to Sh*t: Choose Wisely

To Flush it or Wallow in it.

Photo by Markus Spiske on Unsplash

Picture this: You’re standing knee-deep in a steaming pile of life’s mess, and you’ve got two options before you — you can either flush it away and move on, or you can roll around in it, making a spectacle of yourself. The choice is yours, my friend, and while the former might require a little elbow grease, it’s the path to a brighter future.

Now, in an age where entitlement issues seem to be breeding like rabbits, it’s surprising how many folks opt for the latter. They dive headfirst into the mess, squelching around, all the while bellowing about how the world’s treated them unfairly. They whine about the lousy hand they’ve been dealt, scream about the injustice of it all, and demand to know when someone, anyone, is going to step in and clean up this colossal pile of… well, you know.

Now, before you start furiously typing your outrage in the comments, hold on a sec. I’m not saying it’s entirely your fault. Maybe you’ve been wrapped in bubble wrap from the moment you took your first breath. Perhaps you’re blissfully ignorant of the perplexed expressions that cross people’s faces when you “suggest” they do something for you. Or it could be that you genuinely cannot fathom why anyone would dare utter the forbidden word “no” in your presence. After all, it’s a word that seems foreign to your ears.

No, I’m not here to pamper you, but I’ll lend a hand in a different way. I’m not going to mop up your mess, but I will point you in the direction of the cleaning supplies.

So, here’s a gentle, yet humorous, slap across the face (metaphorically, of course). It’s time to grow up, my friend, and take some responsibility. Life’s messes are often of our own making, and while it may be comforting to play the blame game, it won’t get you very far.

Sure, you might have been coddled a bit too much in your lifetime. Perhaps you’ve never had to see the world from the perspective of those who don’t have servants at their beck and call. Maybe you’re genuinely surprised when someone doesn’t jump to fulfill your every wish.

But here’s the deal: you can change. You can evolve from the entitled persona to the responsible, capable human being you have the potential to be. It might take some effort, some introspection, and a few humility-boosting experiences, but trust me, it’s worth it.

No, I won’t be there to wipe your tushie. But I’ll gladly share some wisdom and encouragement to help you learn how to handle life’s messes without making a bigger mess of yourself in the process.

So, when life inevitably takes a nosedive into the crapper, remember this: you can either choose to flush it away and move forward with newfound responsibility, or you can continue to wallow in it, wondering why the world isn’t handing you a golden ticket. The choice is yours, and it’s time to make it count.

Life Coach
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