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Michael Patanella, a writer from Trenton, New Jersey, shares his journey from battling addiction and mental health issues to finding purpose and success as an author and publisher with Illumination on Medium, where he aims to inspire and help others through his story.


Michael Patanella has come a long way from his struggles with untreated depression, anxiety, and drug addiction that once led him to a self-destructive path. Through faith, spirituality, and a strong determination to change, he has transformed his life. Now sober, he revisited his passion for writing, realizing he had a powerful story to share. Patanella found a supportive community in Illumination, a publication on Medium, where he has experienced significant success and fulfillment. His work, which encompasses themes of mental health, addiction, sobriety, and spirituality, is not only a personal catharsis but also a beacon of hope for others facing similar challenges.


  • Patanella believes that his past experiences, despite being tumultuous, have equipped him with a story that can resonate with and help countless individuals.
  • He views Illumination as more than just a publication; it is a family that provides encouragement and genuine support among its writers and editor.
  • Patanella is confident that Illumination is the ideal platform for him to disseminate his message of "experience, strength, and hope" to a broader audience.
  • He emphasizes the importance of vulnerability in his writing, ensuring that he holds nothing back, which he sees as key to his success as an author.
  • The author expresses gratitude towards a friend who introduced him to Medium, which became a turning point in his writing career.
  • Patanella's writing is driven by a desire to be a voice for those who are voiceless and to offer hope to people who are still struggling with addiction and mental health issues.

When I Found Illumination

Why I Joined Illumination; I Introduce Myself

Free-Photos; Pixabay

Being an author, a writer, and a publisher is the type of goal I have had since I was very young. While I dabbled a bit in poetry back in high school over twenty years ago, I never had been able to grasp any type of accomplishments like the ones I have these days. It was as if I had a bit of a small talent for writing, but I would never go anywhere major with it. I quickly never took it serious again. However, it still remained a dream deep in my mind for decades.

In my mid to late 20’s I found myself in a very dark place for a time in my life. I had mental health problems, with untreated depression and anxiety. Eventually, without treatment for those problems, I found myself in a very scary drug addiction.

For several years, I found myself stuck. Not evolving, not moving forward, burning most bridges, damn near killing myself countless times, and just hurting my entire being, and all the people around me. Sacrificing myself, my morals, and even my physical health.

Everything I swore I’d never do, I ended up doing.

Free-Photos; Pixabay

Without having to go into the gruesome details, I can say with conviction that I was doing one thing. I was destroying my life. I was making every mistake possible. There was never any peace, and I had absolutely no comfort with the person I was. I couldn’t stand being in my skin whatsoever.

Stepping ahead to these recent times, and through the miracles of faith, spirituality, and the determination to change, I have come a long way since those nightmares in life. While the healing process is one that is more complex than anyone could imagine, it’s a work in progress that makes every new day a day that I am happy to wake up to. I am no longer angry when morning comes, because I now enjoy life once again.

Once I was getting deeper into sobriety, I started to think a lot about writing again. I was starting to realize that I now carried with me, a story that has to potential to touch countless lives. I started to see the picture unfold, and I felt as if I now had a story for the ages to share.

In order to find true success with this venture, I had to realize that I had to leave all my vulnerability at the door, and spill my guts to the world, with every publication I tried my hand at. I had to leave nothing back.

Pexels; Pixabay

I started to find success here on Medium as an Author and Publisher. One of my dearest friends actually guided me to this site, as they knew I always wanted to be a writer. Through the first couple of years, I was able to publish many pieces, using many different platforms and publications.

I have not one negative word or thought to give about the many publishers I have been part of. But I finally want to touch on the topic at hand, when it comes to my short time being a contributor for this publication right here, Illumination. So far, I am very glad that I have become part of something that has turned out to be quite special.

I was actually recommended to this publication by another Medium author. They were also a person living a life of sobriety and recovery, and after they read some of my work, they felt that I would be a great fit for Illumination.

I don’t think they could had ever be more right. Illumination is different. Because this publication is a family. It isn’t just another publication where everyone is a stranger, and the editor barely knows the writer.

Geralt; Pixabay

This is a platform where fellow writers encourage one another. As a writer for Illumination, I know my life story is appreciated, and I know that both the Editor, as well as the fellow writers are thoroughly reading my work, and are rooting for me to improve my work, and strengthen my sobriety more and more. Positive affirmations are regular here on this publication, and genuine as well.

When I first looked over Illumination when I was first introduced, I got a very good vibe. I had a good feeling that I would do well. Little did I know, I would end up being more successful over the past few weeks, than at any other time writing on Medium.

It took me several years of living in a deep, and dark place to come up with life stories that can give hope to countless people suffering. My life story can hopefully reach someone out there, and potentially save a life. I am now very confident that Illumination is the best platform possible to help me get my story of experience, strength and hope to the world.

Geralt; Pixabay

Michael Patanella

is a Trenton, New Jersey Author, Publisher, Columnist, Editor, Advocate, and recovering addict, covering topics of mental health, addiction, sobriety, mindfulness, self-help, faith, spirituality, Smart Recovery, social advocacy, and countless other nonfiction topics. His articles, publications, memoirs, and stories are geared towards being a voice for the voiceless. Hoping to reach others out there still struggling.

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Life Lessons
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