What’s the #1 Thing Successful Medium Creators Do?
They write a lot! So, I’m being accountable by making my June intentions clear…90 articles in 30 days!

I follow a lot of writers on Medium. And I admit, I love reading the success stories. I can’t get enough of reading the articles from writers who share what they are doing to be successful on Medium.
One of the things that almost every successful writer on Medium does at the beginning is write a lot! Some of them write daily. Some of them even start off by writing several times a day.
It seems to give them a boost in the Medium algorithms. Eventually, they may taper off but the beginning of the success often starts with a huge bump of articles.
So, I’m going to make a really solid attempt with this account to write a lot in June. More specifically, I’m going to try to publish 90 articles in 30 days.
My plan is to include a mix of short form, medium length, and longer articles. The longer articles will likely get submitted to publications to give them a boost of readers. I’m planning to do 30-ish posts that are submitted to publications.
The 60 posts that don’t get submitted to publications will either be in one of my own publications or just self-published on my feed.
I’m a little concerned about how I’m going to come up with ideas for that many articles in one month. But I’m going to generate ideas several times a week and save them as drafts so I at least of something to work with.
There will likely be a fair amount of variety in my posts over the month. I’m hoping this will give me an idea of what topics will be of most interest to my readers. I kind of have an idea of what topics I want to write but I may experiment with some topics I’ve never written about before.
Another thing I’m going to do is try to build up my Twitter following with Medium writers. I’ve started a new Twitter account (several months ago) and I’m working on finding people I want to follow and hoping I’ll get some that will follow me back.
Join me? I’d love to read your work. Drop a comment if you’re doing the same or a similar challenge!
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