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© Vytas Stoskus, 2024

What’s In A Name & the Swingin’ ‘20s?

A Little Linguistic Word & Mind Juggling

Some things just naturally line up without any assistance on our part. Here’s one that does it with merely a translation of a single word between 2 languages.

I’ve muddled through learning several languages & did fairly well, but having nowhere to use them, lost them all but one: English. It’s my 2nd language, my 1st being one with little relevance in the world except to linguists, language historians, & those who live in or have contact with the tiny country of Lithuania or its people. It’s Lithuanian. But here’s where that natural lining up occurs.

Trump in Lithuanian is spelled with 2 additional letters “as” at the end & is pronounced identically to the English “us” as in “bus”, making it “Trumpas.” Trumpas, however, also has another meaning in Lithuanian. It means “short.” So, let your mind roam freely & what do you get? Short on brains, short tempered, or whatever. I think the Stormy Daniels matters gives us a couple more images for “whatever.”

Also, those of us who speak both Lithuanian & English love to mispronounce the Lithuanian version by giving the “as” the longer pronunciation as one would say in “ass”. Then we have “Trump” & “ass”, all comfortably tucked into one word — Trumpass. How fitting. Come to think of it, hearing this buffoon talk is like listening to a braying ass. & what’s with the arm gesturing back & forth? It’s as though he’s perpetually playing an invisible concertina. I’m so tired of his one-note tune: “Me, me, me, me, me!!!”

They Dare to Call It Justice

I’m impatiently waiting for the day this dumbass psycho is marched off in handcuffs. The turmoil left in his wake will be felt for a long, long time & may never be undone. The tedious courtroom dramas & delays also show the horrid nature of the U$’s so-called justice system which takes years to convict the most blatant of criminals. Yet we have Julian Assange, a heroic journalist & citizen of a distant country who gave millions the truth about their government, about to be locked away in a U$ dungeon. Does this mean that if I or anyone else were to give away some national secret of some distant country, I could be hauled into their courts? Where else has anyone ever heard of such an absurdity???

If the judges had balls, Trumpass would have been marched off for contempt of court on the 1st day of the 1st hearing, & the world would have been spared much that has followed. Instead, we now have armies of such buffoons freely spraying their insane theories with the megaphone of the mass media echoing their every spitbrained utterance.

& where were the prosecutors when this jerk was conning students & others in New York with all his bullshit decades ago. Just think: if they had done their jobs, we would have been spared the tragedies this most wretched of sicko thickos has stirred up.

Mental health & schooling

It’s a major indictment of the U$ schools for not filtering out psychopaths who become significant social problems for the entire society. Now everyone pays not only for Trumpass’s deadly words & deeds but he’s produced a swelling tide of MAGAmorons like DeSantis, Abbott, Ted Cruz, Marjorie Taylor Greene, Nikki Haley, & is inspiring other blithering boobs in country after country around the globe. That such dreck rises to top leadership positions blatantly reveals how bereft of humane values schooling worldwide, not just in the U$, has become.

&, by the way, why are those who participated in the January 6th insurrection not being tried for murder? Several people died that day, & several more shortly after due to what happened there. I was under the impression that if a bank robbery occurs, for example, even the getaway car driver who never sets foot in the bank gets tried for murder if one of the guys kills someone in the bank during the holdup. Every one of those spitbrains who was there that day should be measured for neck size to fit on the gallows that were brought by the rioting mob.

The gallows give me another image playing on the 1920’s, exactly a century ago, being called the “Swingin’ ‘20s”. How about we have another “Swingin’ ‘20s” in the 2020s? I’ll bring the rope.

© Vytas Stoskus, 2024 www.stoskus.net/en/

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Justice System
Mental Health
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