What Should Be Impeachable?
By Maurice Carlisle
Before I answer the question, I want to give you my thoughts on this whole impeachment inquiry and what I consider impeachable. The whole impeachment inquiry, in my opinion is a joke. It’s obvious it’s a personal vendetta against the current occupant of the White House. Congress don’t see fighting and protecting the American people very important and the liberal news media is playing along with this as well, which explains why Congress has a very low approval rating.
What I don’t consider impeachable is a man or a woman having sex with someone other than their spouse. What I don’t consider impeachable is someone who has extremist views against others who don’t look like them.
What do I consider impeachable?? What should be considered impeachable?? Any act by a head of state that puts his or her nation in imminent danger or endangers the national security of our nation. Perfect example: waging unnecessary wars against other nations. We have had many presidents who wage unnecessary wars against other nations and virtually none of them have never been impeached much less faced any inquiry. The present occupant of the White House does not meet this rubric metric I set.
I hope this clears the air on what should be considered impeachable.
Any questions you have, leave them in the comments section.