What Rhymes With Poet?
Who cares, it’s a Limerick
For those of you who have been following my work, you know I like to experiment with different writing styles. I think it makes me a better writer and hopefully keeps you entertained. Today I decided to try my hand at the Limerick. Not the city in Ireland, but the quirky poems that are known by the same name. The image above was taken by me at a pub in Ireland (with obvious modifications). Like Guinness, a limerick can be good for you.
Here are three limericks I just drafted. I hope they put a smile on your face.
I once had a dog name of Fred He laid in the house on his bed He never would stir Till I ruffled his fur If I stirred him too soon, he played dead
There was a young shooter named Larget Who never could hit the right target From standing or kneeling He riddled the ceiling As he shot up the floor and the carpet
I once knew a girl named Malorney Whose body made me quite horny She teased me all day At night we would play I finished too soon for the glory
The Limerick can be a fun and challenging exercise. Trying to stick with the format of five lines in a single stanza with the rhyme scheme of AABBA can be a test of your ingenuity. When you get a chance try one. Let me know what you think?
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