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Reach inside yourself a bit.

What is Wisdom?

Soul knowledge is an intrinsic part of you.

Cape May NJ Bird Sanctuary (no kidding) © Brooklyn Muse

Wisdom is soul-knowing. It is the space of absolute certainty that is indisputable. Like when the fog has lifted and there are no discrepancies in the road you are traveling on. This experience may happen once, twice — a million times, or never in your lifetime.

Wisdom is the space we left- return to and remember. It is the void filled for an instant. Many people believe aging makes one wiser. In reality, (whatever that it is) it can happen at any time, at any age.

For clarity, each cell of your physical body reacts when you take in food, medicines, water, etc…Each sense of your spirit self does the same with energy, sound, air, scent, taste, and ethereal elements.

I am not writing of “gut feelings” it is much deeper. It is wisdom beyond. You will know. Soul-knowing is not Wisdom. It has more layers to be discovered. You see, we focus on our physical beings because we can “see” them- “feel” them and we react — as we should on this earthly plane to them. That is humanity. Trials, errors, joys, and happiness.

What I am referring to is sacred. Not secret. It is an intrinsic sense beyond words where you just “know” what direction, path, person, or relationship to embrace or negate. It is like you remember pieces of your soul contract before you came here and those spiritual elements reveal themselves in a very positive sense to you- in a flash. Yes, an instantaneous, indisputable sacred knowing. If this has happened to you- you will know it. You may be quite surprised at it but you will embrace it. It is almost like you actually have to — in order to move forward. It is kind of hard to explain in words.

Sacred gifts are not any language spoken.

Be still in your physicality and still in your mind- for just a bit. Sacred wisdom reverberates throughout every cell in your being. All of those you see, all you do not. You are a product of the earth. Your innate creation is miraculous. This realization not only comes with peace but with a peaceful existence.

Not an easy task for sure. All of our lifeblood is cyclical, earthly, and spiritual. If it were not, we would have simple understandings in both mindset and form. Our universal knowledge exists- we just tap into it. Some individuals are more skilled at the process than others.

I am human. I am frail in that humanity. I am a spiritual being and have reached for those elements within my lifetime here. It is far from a perfect process. I do — without any doubt- know that the process exists. I do have soul-knowing from time to time. Admittedly, not as often as I would like. My guess is that it cannot be rushed or grasped until we are seasoned enough to be able to actually handle those sacred gifts being given to us. Then, maybe we are called to pass those ideas on. Maybe this piece is just that simple. The passing of information to you- simple, yet sacred.

That is the best I can offer. Our humanity is the single element that is the confusing, wandering, lost/searching part. That I know for sure. Human nature in us is the majestical, puzzling element that pushes us forward. In knowledge, creativity, and gratitude for beauty and expression, we paint ourselves individually and collectively on this planet earth.

Wishing you peace, love, and all that sacred majesty has to offer this time around.



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