avatarLucy Dan 蛋小姐 (she/her/她)


The undefined website content describes the #PromptMe poetry challenge, an initiative where the author of a groupchat-themed Instagram account invites followers to contribute creative responses that are then used to construct coherent poems, while also embracing the role of a daily poetry prompt provider to enhance their own writing and creativity.


The #PromptMe poetry challenge is a creative endeavor spearheaded by the owner of a groupchat-themed Instagram account. The challenge involves soliciting diverse responses to random questions posed by the author and using these responses to craft poems. This initiative not only serves as a platform for collective creativity but also as a personal challenge for the author, who has crowned themselves the queen of daily poetry prompts. The author is eager to receive poetry prompts to further refine their skills in writing and creativity.


  • The author values creative energy and seeks to channel it into a constructive outlet, namely poetry.
  • There is an element of self-appointed authority and confidence in the author's approach, as indicated by the use of "self-crowned 👑 Queen."
  • The author is open to community engagement and collaboration, using others' contributions as inspiration for their work.
  • The challenge represents a commitment to continuous improvement in writing and creative skills.
Photo by Glenn Carstens-Peters on Unsplash

What is the #PromptMe poetry challenge?

I’ve been running a groupchat-themed Instagram account for a while now, and from time to time I’ve asked random questions, and gotten wild, creative and amazing responses.

I really wanted to take this creative energy and put it into use. My new challenge is to take all of the responses I get and try to construct a coherent poem.

So, on top of being a daily poetry prompt (self-crowned 👑) Queen, I’m ready to hop on receiving poetry prompts to hone my writing and creativity craft too.

Poetry Prompts
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