What Is Success for You?
Although we all want to be successful, we don’t all agree on what it actually means
Everybody wants to be successful — some people more than others. We all wish that at death, the life we have lived would be deemed a success by those we’ve left behind. Some want success now because they’d like to enjoy it while they still live.
Despite the uniformity of our desire for success, we have different definitions of success. To each of us, success in life means a different thing; Success is the one thing we all want, but all disagree on what it means. To the poor widow in Congo, being able to train her daughter through the university is her success. To the finance executive in New York, raising his portfolio to $100 billion in assets is his success. For the doctor in India, saving as many lives as possible is his success.
What is success for you? At what point would you consider your life successful?