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What is Buddhism?

Buddhism is a religion which encompasses a variety of traditions, beliefs and spiritual practices based on the teachings of Gautam Buddha.

Buddhism had its origins in India and from here it spread to other parts of Asia. However the growth of Buddhism declined in India during the Middle Ages due to rise of Islam.

I give here sample page as excerpt from my book’Want to Know God: For Young and Old.’ — -This book has separate Chapters on Hinduism, Christianity, Buddhism and Sikhism.

Excerpt from the chapter on Buddhism.

Practices in Buddhism include taking refuge in Buddha-consciousness, Samatha and Vipassana meditation. — In Buddhist philosophy the ultimate goal is attainment of the exalted state of Nirvana.

This is achieved by one-pointed meditation while following the precepts of the Eight-fold Noble Path (also known as the middle path).

Nirvana means going beyond the repeated cycles of human births and suffering in life. — ‘Nibbana’ or ‘Nirvana’ in Sanskrit implies extinguishing all worldly desires to reach the ultimate truth of existence.

Gautama Buddha saw an old man with a bent backbone, dragging his feet, and realized that the world is full of suffering and disease. — Death is the final destination of all living beings.

Buddha wanted to find a solution to the suffering of human beings due to old age, sickness and death.

He renounced all the comforts of his majestic palace, his loving wife Yashodhara and son Rahula and went to the forest to undertake severe austerities and meditation practice.

After many years of severe penance and a celibate life of renunciation, Buddha finally attained enlightenment.

Buddha understood that the purpose of human life is to attain enlightenment, and go back to the eternal Spirit of God from where all mankind has emerged.

Buddha had seen the joys and sorrows of both the household marital life, as well as the bliss of enlightenment. — He had regained his lost innocence to become pure and innocent like a child, and thus enter the kingdom of heaven.

Buddha’s practice of total abstinence from sex was a natural outcome of his deep spiritual practices.

He meditated alone in seclusion for many years in various ways including asceticism. He meditated on the nature of human suffering and the means to overcome this suffering.

He sat for meditation under a Bodhi tree in the town of Bodh Gaya, Bihar in India for the final enlightenment.

As an enlightened Master, he attracted a large following and founded a Sangha (monastic order). Buddhism like Hinduism believes in reincarnation of human beings in accordance with one’s past karma.

There is a Story of Buddha’s enlightenment. — After his rigorous ascetic practice for twelve years, he was reduced to a mere skeleton of a body. After his enlightenment, he visited his home to meet his parents and family.

Buddha’s father was very angry and furious and said, “How could you suddenly leave home for your spiritual quest without telling anybody?

I have a father’s heart and I can still forgive you, but what about the torment and agony which your loving wife and son had to undergo. Did you ever bother to find out what happened to them after you suddenly left home?

“Throw away your begging bowl and your monk’s dress. This is a grand palace and your monk’s dress does not befit here with your status. You are welcome back to your home. I have now become old and this kingdom is now yours.”

Buddha replied, “Look at me…. I am not the same person who left home twelve years ago. There is now a new dimension to my ‘being’ as an enlightened man. I was earlier just an unmanifest seed of spirituality.

You have not recognized that the seed of spirituality has blossomed into a beautiful tree. Look deeply into my eyes to know the difference.”

Buddha’s father replied, “So now, you are going to teach your father who brought you up from the infant baby to manhood. I know you perfectly well from your childhood time. — Do not try to teach me. You can preach and fool other people… but not me.”

Buddha said to his father, “You say that you know me well. — But before I got enlightened I did not know even my own self. I am now a different man, and not the same young man who had left home earlier.

What you knew earlier was the body of a young man as your son, and not me as an enlightened soul now.

It is true that I was born as a baby by the union of my mother and father. But the ‘consciousness of my soul’ was given by the universal Spirit of God.

Many births have been taken by me and you in the past, but you do not have memory of your past lives. I have traveled this journey of life for many lives in the past in different wombs. I have now attained my final goal of enlightenment.”

Buddha concluded, “My birth in your house was the last birth, as after enlightenment there is no further cycle of birth and death and its associated suffering.

“One attains union with the Spirit of God after enlightenment and the individual ego is fully dissolved which results in total bliss and joy. Look at my face. — I have no further desires and attachment with any worldly pleasures.”

It is said that Buddha’s father, his wife and son became his disciples and embraced Buddhism. They devoted their remaining life to spread the Buddha’s teachings to alleviate the suffering and ignorance of the people.

The scripture of ‘Dhammapada’ was taught far and wide to spread the Buddhist religion.

Photo by Benjamin Balázs on Unsplash

Dhammapada sayings:

“Should a person do good, let him do it again and again. Let him find pleasure therein, for blissful is the accumulation of good karma.”

“It is better to do nothing than to do what is wrong. For whatever you do, you do to yourself only.”

Ajay Gupta is a former Naval officer who served onboard Indian Naval warships and aircraft. — He is the author of two books ‘Word of God Bhagavad Gita’ and ‘Want to Know God: For Young and Old.’

Copyright © Ajay Gupta: — Reference book: Want to Know God: For Young and Old: https://amzn.to/3h0fGiw: https://amzn.to/2C7vNfH :

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