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What is Beyond Love? Gratitude

Photo by Nathan Dumlao on Unsplash

Love is fiery, love is passionate,

Live or Die,

Love burns us or buoys us.

What emotion then goes beyond Love?


When we feel grateful,

That Peace is immeasurable.

And with Gratitude, it piles up on top of love.

So gratitude is a kind of love.

But not the type that brings us to hell and back.

Rather it is the slow glow within,

That lets us stay comfortably afloat through every moment,

Feeling like we are warmed by the sun shining on a placid lake.

So to anyone hurt by love that cuts (including Twin Flames),

Eventually reaching a state of gratitude (even for your ghosting Twin),

Allows one to move into peace and allowance.

And of course, gratitude for the Divine.

Being grateful for whatever happens,

No matter seemingly good or bad,

Because there is always a Divine plan,

And that plan is always for our highest good.

And of course, I am always grateful to my readers, a big thank you to everyone here supporting my journey every step of the way! 😊

Special Thank you to Iglesias https://medium.com/@iglesiasfrancisco88 for including me in his mentions! 🙏

Twin Flame
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