

What Is a Fish Herb?

A quick guide to the unique plant.

The heart-shaped herb. Image Source: Wikipedia

We all are aware(hopefully) of herbs like thyme and rosemary. But fish herb? That is new and interesting. I recently came across a YouTube video with a thumbnail of Fish Herb (PFB the link).

I immediately thought, “Wow! I found another unique thing to write about.” What followed then was a thorough research and a search for royalty-free pictures (if you know the pain, you know).

What is a fish herb?

A native of Asia, fish herb or fish mint is a flowering plant. The leaves are uniquely shaped like the love heart (💚). The flowers bloom in white, green, and yellowish colors.

Fish mint leaves are popular because of their fish-like taste and smell. Fish herb has been used for cooking since ancient times in China, Japan, Northeast India, Vietnam, and other Southeast Asian countries.

Nevertheless, it is an invasive plant species. For the unversed, an invasive plant does not let the local plant grow well. Instead, the plant grows at a really fast pace in a new place.

Benefits of Fish Herb

Fish herb. Also known as Chameleon or Chinese lizard tail. Image Source: Wikipedia

Can you guess the most important benefit of a fish herb? If you guessed ‘medicinal properties’, you are absolutely right. According to the Healthy Leaf, the fish mint herb helps to treat acidity and dysentery. It can also help treat stomach aches and prevent bacterial diseases.

Another benefit of the fish herb is that it is an amazing garnishing ingredient. Anyone who enjoys cooking can add this herb to their list.

According to this article, fish herb has anti-bacterial properties and can be used for naturally treating a few (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome) SARS viruses.

The fish herb can also, believes many, treat allergy reactions as it helps strengthen the immune system. The Down To Earth write-up highlights that fish herb is believed to be vitamin-rich.

People of the northeastern Indian state of Assam also believe these leaves can relieve the symptoms of jaundice and pneumonia.

Isn’t this wild herb a remarkable plant?

Fish Herb
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