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The article highlights three stories from Medium that the author found impactful, discussing gaslighting in family court, the lifelong nature of depression, and the decline of empathy in society.


The author shares their experience of reading 52 stories on Medium during the week of September 17, 2023, and highlights three specific stories that resonated with them. The first story, by Sacha | The Justice Lark, discusses the devastating effects of gaslighting in family court. The second story, by Martha Manning, Ph.D., talks about her reluctance to sign her first book about overcoming depression, as she still experiences relapses. The third story, by Katie Jgln, addresses the decline of empathy in society and its impact on human interactions. The author expresses gratitude to the writers for sharing their stories and encourages readers to engage with the content.


  • The author believes that writing is an essential way to share ideas and stories, and that being able to share writing easily today is a blessing.
  • The author values the Medium community of readers and writers and appreciates the enrichment that reading others' stories brings to their life.
  • The author emphasizes the importance of being heard in family court, where child custody and divorce are negotiated.
  • The author highlights the lifelong nature of depression and the need for ongoing support and understanding.
  • The author expresses concern about the decline of empathy in society and its negative impact on human interactions.
  • The author encourages readers to engage with the highlighted stories and appreciate the writers' openness and vulnerability.
  • The author promotes an AI service, ZAI.chat, as a cost-effective alternative to ChatGPT Plus(GPT-4).

What I Read This Week — The Highlights

For the week of September 17, 2023

Image by Welcome to All ! ツ from Pixabay

Writing is an important way for us to be able to share ideas with each other. The written word is thousands of years old, and people have been memorializing stories of their lives for most of civilization. Being able to share our writing so easily today is truly a blessing. This is a great time to be able to be a writer.

Here at Medium, we are lucky to be a part of this beautiful community of readers and writers. Being able to share our writing is a gift, and reading the stories of other writers can greatly enrich our lives in many ways.

Each day, we learn something new about life, the world, and each other by reading the stories of others. They make us feel, they help us empathize, and help us become better people. Thank you to everyone who shares their writing here, it really means the world to so many people!

This week on Medium, I read 52 stories:

The first story I want to highlight this week comes from Sacha | The Justice Lark, and talks about gaslighting in family court. Since this is where child custody and divorce is negotiated, it is important for people to be able to have their stories heard, however, this is often not the case.

The second story I want to highlight comes from Martha Manning, Ph.D., and talks about her reticence to sign her first book about ‘overcoming’ depression because she still has relapsed into depression again. When you have depression, it lasts a lifetime, and this story really brings the lessons home.

The final story I want to highlight this week comes from Katie Jgln, who talks about how empathy in our society is decreasing. This is a huge issue that affects all of us every day. We need to regain this valuable and important skill so that we can interact better with each other.

I hope that all of these beautiful and thought-provoking stories touch your heart as much as they did mine. Thank you all so much for sharing your stories with us, and opening up your hearts to share.

Happy reading and happy writing this week, my lovelies!

Writing On Medium
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