

What Happened When I Quit Social Media for 2 Years

(Best decision I’ve ever made).

Photo by Sunguk Kim on Unsplash

I felt free since I was no longer bound to the internet. I discovered that I had plenty of time when the constant want to check my phone diminished.

As soon as I was able to glance away from my phone, I began to see things I had previously missed. The world grew more colorful, and everyday events started to sparkle. I was totally engaged in talks, savoring the natural beauty of the outside, and cherishing the joyful laughter of friends.

Small pleasures in life take the stage.

My artistic ability increased dramatically as the months went by. My thoughts could roam freely since there were no interruptions. Creative projects grew and ideas flowed freely. It appeared as though a fountain of creativity that had been long hidden behind the virtual world had been reopened.

Mental Clarity and Digital Detox

I became more and more reflective the longer I refrained from social media. As I was no longer subjected to the constant desire for affirmation and the unrelenting comparison, my mental health improved.

A peaceful inner world gradually replaced the noise in the back of my mind.

The most important insight gained from this two-year break was realizing that the great values of life are not to be discovered on screens. They may be found in the warmth of human connections, the genuine beauty of life’s events, and the times when we are truly present. It is about the pleasure of sharing a good meal with loved ones, the excitement of travel, and the serenity of solitude.

Desperately Seeking a Quiet Life

A dream grew inside of me throughout this break. I discovered that I was longing for a life free from technology disturbances, a life that suited my inner, deeper spirit.

I now long for a life in a little cottage in the English countryside where I could have a carefree existence with animals, wake up to the soothing sounds of nature, and commune with other people and their pets.

Reflection / What Now?

I see an unanticipated change when I reflect on those two years. I now realize that social media may be a tool rather than a control over my life. Not to define moments, but to share them. And the times that are entirely immersed in the beauty of the present are the ones that are most treasured.

One important lesson that I learned over this experience stuck with me: while initially tempting, a preoccupation with Instagram likes may seriously undermine one’s feeling of self-worth.

It is easy to get caught up in the trap of looking for approval in every double-tap and remark, but the real value should never be dependent on online approvals.

Nobody should have daily unrestricted access to your life.

Protecting your time, mental health, and sense of self from the constant pressures of the internet world is crucial.

I’m discovering that I long for a life free of the ongoing online presence, that living in the now is therapeutic, and that I value the real experiences that make each day more meaningful.

Social media may yet change, but I am choosing to leave online chaos behind in order to live a more contented and meaningful life (for now, who knows what the future holds).

Dear reader,

Think about taking a break of your own, even if it’s just temporary.

Reconnect with the actual world around you, find comfort in isolation, and unplug from the online world.

Your life is too valuable to be defined exclusively by online alerts and likes. Take the plunge and give in to the social media cleanse.


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Mental Health
Self Improvement
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