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What Does a Medium Writer Call His Followers?

One useful word that fits in a short CTA

Photo by Markus Spiske on Unsplash

What are they?






Posse, Entourage, Family, Group.

The question.

Which one is acceptable to call a group of people to whom you are indebted and appreciative? A group that enjoys the creative work you put forth?

It needs also to describe a group of people you want others to join. So you don’t want to be in any way offensive. Many writers these days use Tribe and Community.

I am kind of partial to Posse, although some definitions call it a group of people who ride horses and don’t wear badges. The process usually ends in a hanging. That is not ideal, definition-wise.

My thoughts.

I think calling them fans is probably a step too far for my imposter syndrome. Even Tribe is a bit too much.

I personally call my followers Peeps and my subscribers Buds, which, to me, indicates a deeper level of communication.

Last words.

The interactive part of this thought is this. If you are reading this story, the odds are you have some followers now and strive to have even more. What do you call them in a quick call-to-action at the end of your stories?

What is your CTA? Is it concise, terse, succinct, pithy, to the point, and quick? Or does it ramble on like some of mine have? Does it get in and get out, or is it almost a story by itself? I put an icon of a little cartoon speech balloon down below where you will find a place to put your answers, thanks for your help!

The Accidental Author, Don Martin, can be found HERE. Subscribe and “make something of yourself.” -your mom

Don’s a keen observer and prolific reporter of truth, common sense, humor, & life. He’s a WRITER and humorist, sometimes serious, sometimes tongue-in-cheek. He lives in Nashville, TN. He publishes every weekday morning. If you like his stuff, tell him HERE! He’ll be so excited, he’ll probably wheel himself over to the computer and pound out another of these little darlins for you…

Hey Don, I like your writing, and I want to hear officially from Medium whenever you publish something.

Hey Don, I really do like your writing and want to hang out with you and maybe just talk about the official people at Medium.

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