avatarJames Boylan


What Do The Words I Am Mean To You

Remember Rumi says“You Are Not A Drop In The Ocean. You Are The Entire Ocean, In A Drop.”

Photo by Brett Jordan on Unsplash

Two simple words, I am, are very powerful. Say them out loud, “I am.” Now, what do you follow this with? What follows may be the most powerful choice you have ever made.

Why, you may ask? Because they reveal what you see in your mirror of life, and what follows because of The Law of Attraction. One word that I can and do use to follow I am is “blessed.”

The results are demonstrated by blessings seeming to chase me around trying to get my attention. Using two words after I am, “healthy and fit,” and illnesses and injuries seem to be part of my history, not my Now.

I am “creative” and my mind is filled with great thoughts and ideas of what I can and many times will do, even if not quite at the same level as the iconic Irish poets of yore, YET.

Using multiple words, I am “too blessed to be stressed.” This is followed by friendly, loving people coming into my life. This is followed by warm feelings of satisfaction and the desire to do what it takes to attain even more.

I am “grateful.” This is followed by my having much, much more of the good things of life than I ever dreamed possible before. Abundance comes to mind when I think of gratitude.

Abundance is many times thought of as only monetary riches and, although this may happen, I fashion myself to have abundance by being surrounded by loving, giving people who are near me because they choose to be. They are not here because of fear or intimidation, like during my days in the madness.

Photo by Audi Nissen on Unsplash

These are some of my “I ams.” What are yours? Please do not even think of comparing your “I ams” with anyone else’s. Yours are yours, period. If you feel that you are lacking, it is simple to remedy.

You are not limited. You can be anything that you set your mind to be. You are not too old, too young, too tall, too short, too anything. You just ARE!

Simply, humbly say the shortened version of the 3rd Step, “God, help me,” and move on. By moving on, I mean that you work your program 24/7/365. Let’s simplify this even more.

To work your program 24/7/365, you do not have to ponder how you could be more spiritual. You were born spiritual so you will NEVER be any more spiritual than you are right now, no matter where you are at in your life.

To work your program 24/7/365 just, after saying “God, Help Me,” get out of His way and let Him, and continue doing the next right thing TO THE BEST OF YOUR ABILITY. That’s all.

By doing this, you will be working with your prayer and meditation because you WILL be doing God’s will. How will you know that you are doing God’s will? Because, if you’re working your program TO THE BEST OF YOUR ABILITY, you will FEEL when something is right or wrong.

God communicates with us through our feelings, instincts, and our guts. He uses the vibrational forces of the Universe to communicate with us. Thus, if it feels good, it is God’s will.

If you are apprehensive, even a little bit, I would strongly suggest reconsidering. After reflection, if it still feels bad, disregard it. If it feels good, JUST DO IT.

You will be amazed at how your “I ams” continue to improve.

Thank you, God!

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