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What are Sound Healing Frequencies?

And how to use them to heal your body, mind, and spirit.

Using sound frequencies to heal our bodies is not a new concept and has been around for centuries. Today, we use them in many modalities. They have evolved over many years.

These ancient tools are becoming more known for their therapeutic benefits. It has been well-documented shows us the science behind them.

Now we use them in a holistic application. There are many tools and frequencies available to us to heal the body.

The frequency and the tool used will be different for each person. It may depend on what area of the body you are trying to heal or for an emotional purpose.

They speak to the human body to start the healing process and, the mind and body heal on a cellular level.

The right type of frequency can be very beneficial for the mind, body, and soul. A harmony of sound frequency can soothe many types of ailments.

A Person using a Tibetan Singing Bowl · Free Stock Photo (pexels.com)

Also, they can help with easing mental symptoms of anxiety, overthinking, and depression. Help with insomnia, help relieve headaches and migraines, sinus and colds, or detox.

Other types of frequencies can clear and balance your chakras. While others clear, heal and repair auras, conversing to your cells and DNA.

The right type of frequency can help you focus on study, bring more happiness, keep you motivated. And help with concentration.

Frequency and Hertz

There are frequencies, and there is hertz. Together, they are tuned to create music for us to use. We can hear them via binaural beats or solfeggio frequencies.

We don’t necessarily need to see a practitioner either. We can put on our headphones, and sit on the couch in our own homes.

They are used to create a music tracks. Sometimes, it is used with meditation music or on its own.

Earth itself vibrates on its own frequency, currently at 7.83 hertz. Also called the heartbeat of the Earth and/or the Schuman resonance. This is the way they measure the frequency that the Earth vibrates at.

Music has been used as medicine for centuries until science was able to back up the theory. Ancient Greeks used sound frequency to help with easing pain and better sleep.

Native Americans and Africans used sound healing. Chanting and singing worked onside their healing rituals.

I have a shamanic drum that I use to break and clear the energy in the room. I use it in meditation to connect with my ancestors.

Another way to receive sound frequency healing is with sound baths, in or without meditation. Singing bowls, tuning forks, gongs, singing, chimes, and rattles are often utilised with sound in this setting.

Your body is bathed in sound to rebalance the energy in the body. A deep healing practice can occur for the person.

If you want to start using frequency to heal yourself, there are some technical terms you may come across. Youtube is probably the best place to look for frequency music to listen too. It has a great selection.

What are Binaural Beats?

A sound (tone) is sent to your ears, one to your left ear and one to your ear, usually via headphones. Your brain interprets the sounds as a frequency and converts them into a hertz.

The brain sees the frequency like a trail, follows it, and then produces a brainwave. That being, the binaural beat your brain interprets as a sound frequency.

What are Solfeggio Frequencies?

Based on ancient tones, there is a scale of 6 tones. Each one of these tones forms part of a frequency. This frequency allows a retune of your body’s energy and a balance of the body, mind and, spirit.

Gregorian chants were the first to use solfeggio frequencies, bringing together an ancient method and applying it in modern times.

There are six main frequencies used today that you can find embedded into music. These are called Solfeggio Frequencies

The main six Solfeggio frequencies are:

396 Hz — Releases Guilt and Fear 417 Hz — Helps facilitate change and resolves old situations and energy booster. 528 Hz — Transformation of self and DNA and cellular repair. 639 Hz — Connects cells to their environment and assists with the resolution of unhealthy relationships. Personally or professionally. 741 Hz — Cleansing and helps with self-expression bringing harmony and stability to your life. 852 Hz — Returning to Spiritual Order, increase self-awareness, and awaken to your true self. 963 Hz — connecting to the crown chakra and awakening your spirit

How do hertz frequencies align to our chakras?

When I researched further on this topic and the connection between Hz and chakras, I found varying degrees of information.


My personal view point is,

I do believe that a specific hertz will speak to each chakra. Regardless of the hertz, a person may give it in a scientific study or otherwise.

It comes down to intuition and feeling and, what does the body need at this time?

A traumatic experience, a personal issue, or an emotional block may need one or many healing sound methods. The frequency the person chooses will always be for their highest good.

The exact frequency will match the right chakra and work with the chakras to begin the healing. Individually or as a whole.

From my experience as a practitioner, the body will recognise the frequency it needs. It all happens on a cellular level. The soul and the higher self of one’s body will allow the healing sounds to trickle through to each cell. Absorbing the healing as it needs it.

I have listened to binaural beats when I have been unwell. I also used them when I had a sinus infection or a head cold. I have found them to bring quick relief to my symptoms in hours rather than days.

We are innate and are multidimensional beings.

The body will know always know what it needs on a cellular level. It is up to us to bridge that via sound healing. Energy flows throughout the body continuously.

When we have blocks in the body, the energy pauses and expands in the spot where it is. Sound breaks through that block and the energy flow returns to the state it was before.

Once you decide the healing modality and what you want to benefit from, it helps if you are open to what it can offer you.

The frequencies your body absorbs can only go so far into the energy system. If you are shutting the door to the healing, it won’t work as well as it could.

Meditation Mandala Transcendental — Free image on Pixabay

Before and after using sound frequencies. What you need to know.

The right kind of healing modality can bring your body lasting benefits.

However, as per any new experience, there can be some symptoms after the healing. It will depend on the sound healing you choose. The same goes for any healing modality that works with the body.

A body that receives healing also has to release the healing, called purging.

For example, if you choose to use 396 Hz that releases guilt and fear, you may find some emotions will come up for release. You may cry a lot or experience a yo-yo affect of emotions.

We store a lot of energy in our bodies that aren’t always released, especially in our lower chakras. Therefore, your body has to purge those energies physically.

You may have to go to the bathroom more frequently or you get mild cold symptoms as the body releases the old energy. The symptoms usually occur within the first 24 hours and subside as the days go on.

Each frequency may trigger an emotional response from the body. This is normal and allows the body to release all that it no longer needs or no longer serves a purpose.

You could feel extra tired, need more sleep, or be very thirsty after listening to a sound frequency or healing. It is vital to the releasing that you remain hydrated.

I guide you to listen to your body. It will tell you what it needs.

How do I listen to the frequencies?

You can listen to them a few times a day. There is no limit. However, you don’t want to overdo it.

Especially, if you are new to the experience.

Some find before bed is ideal as sleep helps the body heal in a more relaxed state. Others as they rest.

The best way is listening with headphones to get the most benefit. Most recordings suggest good-quality headphones. I say whatever you have is fine.

The body will not worry if you use Bose headphones or cheap ones from a dollar store. It is the frequency it requires to heal.

There may be frequencies you listen to that don’t vibe with you. That is okay. It may take a while to find a few that work best for you.

It is good practice to add them to your liked or favourites folders so you can refer back to them quickly when you need them.

I guide you to seek out different types of sound healing. You may find you are surprised by what your body has a preference for.

Soon you will collect a range of tools to help you heal your body. You will find more ways to practice self-care.

An ancient and profound way to heal all aspects of YOU.

Memories from the soul recalling the healing from another lifetime and welcoming gift in this existence.

Energy Healing
Holistic Health
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