What Are Christmas Blessings?
We need a culture of seeing and appreciating all of our blessings
A blessing is an expression of grace that uplifts and nourishes a person, being, or place. And to me, “grace” is not an undeserved favor or God forgiving us for our sins.
Grace is us tapping into the patterns of harmony or of loving, suffusing kindness that come from the ultimate pattern-weaver, i.e., from Source (also referred to as God).
I feel “grace-ful” or full of grace or able to access grace in most moments of every day.
Feeling graceful, i.e. having some feeling of well-being, contentment, peace, and appreciation, for me, springs from believing that we all have an unbreakable bond with Source.
I was brought up Christian, yet I don’t see “God” as a Heavenly Father or as “He” or see Jesus when I talk about God. I believe Jesus is an “ambassador” of God, as are Buddha and many other religious beings.
“God” is indescribable and more about a connection to our starry origins than about a person sitting on a throne with a wand, determining what happens to us. I believe “God” or Source to be an intelligent or conscious field of energy.
This perspective points to a quantum field of infinite possibilities of existence. And we can try to tap into that field which is about being grace-ful.
For example, as a child, I had the grace to turn toward my belief in Jesus as an abiding Spirit of love and encouragement. And this helped me survive a traumatic childhood.
Jesus helped me in spirit when I was around twelve years old, at an incredibly difficult time for me. This was “grace” or my connection to the stories and energy around the personality called Jesus.
If I were a fly on the wall able to discern blessings, I would say that I was blessed by Jesus then. The grace, harmony, and peace of Jesus was with me, and I felt loved and that I would pull through.
And here’s the thing. Our blessings are untold and are a matter of perception. Human beings have been taught to fear things and to do what they can separately to ensure that they survive materially.
We are not separate, isolated individuals but are multi-dimensional, interconnected beings of light living in an interconnected Universe.
“Cellular Awakening” by Barbara Wren, page 5.
If a blessing uplifts and nourishes and there is so much “bad” in the world, or we perceive harm and destruction, look for blessings that there are or for the hidden blessings.
Maybe we need a new word for “blessing,” such as opportunity or gift. For example, I could say that lockdowns have been a “blessing” (opportunity) for me because they have been the doorway for me to work from home. And this has been nurturing for my mental and physical health.
Of course, I am not saying that there is something immediately wonderful or good in terrible things. But I am voicing that we can choose to look for and find the positives and the good opportunities for moving ahead to where we want to go.
Gifts and opportunities can be connected to things, not always be a direct result. Such is the multi-layered and interconnected nature of things.
However, over eons of time, some human beings have come to largely regard their lives as linear and flat, looking at their own life and at a small circle of people and things around them. As a collective, we have lost sight and innate knowledge of our mixed blessings.
And this mix comprises the small and big things that ultimately help us in our living. For example, microbes feed on organic material in the soil, and over-tilling the land may disrupt this process. But, soil organic matter is a crucial indicator of soil health and a key building block of soil aggregates. You could say that the soil microbes are a “gift” or a blessing in the biological cycles of life.
Of course, nobody is saying that it is easy to focus on our blessings, but like tiny sparkles of multi-colored lights, they are there for something or other in our lives. Our blessings are acceptable or helpful objects, persons, processes, or events in an individual’s experiences or in the collective’s.
A blessing is an expression of grace, i.e. a tapping into the patterns of harmony or of loving, suffusing kindness that uplifts and nourishes us.
Christmas time is an agreed-upon date in the Gregorian calendar for celebrating the birth of Jesus. I choose to especially celebrate the 25th of December because this tradition facilitates an increase in light or unity consciousness energy among people around the globe, boosting the loving, suffusing kindness that originates from the Source (God).
The month of Christ-mas reminds me of “blessings”, not only from the Spirit of Jesus and Mary. But it reminds me that there are human beings around the world offering gifts and supportive opportunities to many at all times, not just at Christmas time.
We can choose to focus on creating more “good” around the world, knowing that it is not all “bad” in the world. Wishing someone a happy Christmas does NOT mean that we expect or demand everyone on Earth to be grateful or happy for what they’ve got!
A Christmas blessing, to me, is a sincere wish for peace, good health, and needs to be met for oneself and one’s loved ones and for more, at a time when some people around the world are especially wishing for this.
I am not talking about being pious or helping out entirely from a sense of obligation or because you’re told to do so.
You are not being inauthentic if it’s mostly at Christmas time that you send out especially big or focused wishes for peace and needs of all being met.
This is because Christmas time opens up space or opportunity to think about all others genuinely.
A genuine intent carries the energy of the intention. And your Christmas blessing and your genuine thoughts and actions throughout all the time that you are here affects the whole in any moment.
When you help yourself and your loved ones at times other than Christmas time, if you do so without thoughts of deliberately harming Earth or harming or suppressing anyone else, your actions are threads in supporting the web of life for the whole.