All’s Well/Wellness/Writers/Readers
Welcome to our New Writers
Now is the time to send us your stories about how you got to wellness

We cannot wait to read your stories about how you got to well.
Dear readers and writers,
Thank you for following us and signing up to be added as readers.
Firstly, I will never send you messages about anything other than this publication and your story submissions unless you are an editor. Please be aware of this.
This is a huge thank you for your messages over the past months and a big welcome to our new writers. We cannot wait to read your work.
Welcome to the 50 plus writers who replied. to my guest editor’s call for writers in December. I am now caught up and you are all added!
Please remember, do not submit before you publish, and wait for editors to read your story and comment before we publish. Do engage with us as part of the collaborative, editorial process. See you on the page!
Newcomers, please read and reply to this story to be added as a writer:
“We cannot wait to hear your stories about how you got to well!”