It started with a single prank, then a case of mistaken identity. Then it grew darker with a fabricated identity to see how many fools you could catch.
And now we go larger still. But first a word from our sponsor.
Remember WMD? Think on that scale.It's time to fool the world.
Here's an example story to get those synapses firing.
A Treasure worth Murdering For
What could they be after?
They gathered, as they usually did, in the basement of a nondescript office building in the centre of town. Each taking a separate entrance.
All coming virtually unguarded and totally unremarkable.
But they were a very remarkable group, especially when they squabbled.
No game of Risk ever had more dire consequences for the world.
“Your plan won’t work,” said a tall, greying suit with a beaklike nose.
“It already has,” came the reply, punctuated by thick, stubby fingers jabbing at the table.
Both men postured, both men wouldn’t back down until the world was a slowly cooling glass ball hurtling through a tomblike solar system.
“The world knew when they saw your forces marshalling on the border, you were up to no good. And now we have to cripple you.”
“Exactly according to plan.”
“But what? People die. Life is short and brutal for non-Westerners. Our economy is booming again, we still have oil. As long you don’t fire any shots, this will still get us all the outcome we desire.”
An elderly woman with blond hair and a clipped german accent spoke next, “Gentlemen, remember the prize. Remember what is buried under Kyiv. Remember how we will remake the world.”