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We Have All The Time in The World

Be quick, but don’t be in a hurry-Let’s slow it all down

Photo by Christopher Burns on Unsplash

Multi-tasking has become a way of life in America today. We all juggle and struggle, fuss and fume, scramble and gamble to meet our own self-imposed deadlines. We all need to slow down and enjoy life more.

We rob Peter to pay Paul, we take the risks and take the fall, we drive and strive to get it all.

We are all living life on fast forward these days. And work way too hard in our already hectic world.

People cross the street without looking up as they scurry around texting or avoiding each other, with headphones clamped firmly in place. They ignore traffic and are insulated and isolated, secure in their personal head space.

Downtown around lunchtime or every day at closing time is always such a helter-skelter experience. What’s the hurry, people?

People are always in a rush to get to where they are going, to check off the next item on their to-do list, and to remember not to forget.

There is always something else, some task we have in our heads as we traverse the city streets, something so monumentally important that has to be done today, right here, and right now.

Then we move on to the next equally important item on our agenda. When does it stop? Does it ever stop?

We all have all the time in the world. We need to stop and smell the roses. To relax and enjoy the moment, to savor the joy of each day as we pass through it, and to be grateful for the little things in life.

We are all more alike than different, we are all people living on the same planet, and we are all going to end up at the same inevitable destination.

Why do we let ourselves be confused and abused, hassled and harried, driven and directed? There is no real rush in the larger scheme of things.

There is a time and a place for everything. We should try to maximize the benefits and pleasures of each day as it comes. It’s just not worth it to speed through each day.

We should treasure life for all its small blessings and the meaningful experiences that it has to offer.

We need to embrace self-love so that we can better appreciate ourselves. We need to value and regard our own happiness take care of ourselves better, live a healthy lifestyle, and be available to help others.

Life should be more cooperative than competitive, more reflective than reactive, and more fun than fear of losing our place in line.

If we are lucky enough to wake up this morning, we should take advantage of today as much as possible.

Spend an extra moment to give our kids a hearty hug before they leave for school, a warm kiss goodbye for our significant others, and a pat on the back for ourselves.

If you work from home or are retired, be sure to spend some time in your garden and enjoy the rich aromas, the feel of the dirt on your fingers, and the slowness and fullness of the pace of life at its most basic level.

This is autumn. If we are able, we can go for a walk and enjoy the slow turning of the leaves into ever more beautiful colors. We can collect them and press them into our book of memories.

We can enjoy meals with our families, or bake special treats for the holidays, and get together with good friends on the weekends.

We need to learn to live better and love more deeply. We need to take advantage of the good things in life instead of rushing by them, and we need to learn to appreciate life in all its glory and splendor.

There really is no rush. We have all the time in the world. We are all connected…

Life Lessons
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