
The article argues that war is not a viable solution to the ongoing conflict between Israel and Hamas, emphasizing the suffering of innocent civilians on both sides and the futility of violence leading to more violence.


The article "War can never be a solution" discusses the tragic consequences of the conflict between Israel and Hamas. It acknowledges the unacceptable actions taken by both sides and the deep-rooted history that fuels the hostility. The author highlights the planned ground invasion by Israel, questioning the moral cost of such an action, especially considering the impact on innocent civilians in Gaza, who are already enduring a humanitarian crisis. The piece references the UN's statement about the dire conditions in Gaza, particularly for children, and underscores that lives on both sides are equally valuable. The article concludes by asserting that the killing of innocents cannot be justified by any cause and that a ground invasion would only perpetuate the cycle of violence. It suggests that Hamas, despite being an organization responsible for attacks, cannot be eradicated by force alone, as it may re-emerge with different support.


  • The author believes that the suffering of Palestinians, rooted in the establishment of Israel, is a significant factor in the conflict.
  • The article criticizes the planned Israeli ground invasion of Gaza, considering the potential loss of innocent lives.
  • It points out the humanitarian crisis in Gaza, with a majority of the population facing food insecurity and severe living conditions.
  • The author emphasizes that the lives of children and innocents in both Israel and Palestine are of equal importance and should not be sacrificed for any cause.
  • The piece suggests that violence against Hamas will not solve the problem, as the organization may continue to receive support and potentially resurface in a different form.
  • The article concludes with a strong stance against war, stating that it perpetuates a vicious cycle of violence and cannot resolve the Israel-Hamas conflict.

War can never be a solution

Israel and Hamas

Photo by Jordy Meow on Unsplash

War can never be a solution. What happened in Israel shouldn’t have happened and it was unacceptable. But Palestinians have also been suffering, and the attacks have their roots that go back as far as the establishment of Israel. Both sides can endlessly argue who’s right and who isn’t.

Israel plans on ground invasion with an aim to completely control Gaza. But at what cost? Humanist principles that evoke revulsion towards Hamas for what they did also plant a question in mind: What about innocent civilians when Israel mounts a full-fledged attack on Gaza?

Israel has already completely isolated Gaza with a “complete siege,” as Israel’s defence minister said, “No electricity, no food, no water, no gas — it’s all closed,”

Even before this barbaric attack, Gaza was suffering from widespread hunger and the World Food Program has pointed out that “63 per cent of the population, in one of the most densely populated areas in the world, is “food insecure.”

“If there is a hell on earth, it is the lives of children in Gaza,” António Guterres, the secretary general of the United Nations, said in 2021.

If innocents were killed in Israel, innocents have also been killed and will be killed in Palestine and lives in both countries have equal weightage. Children have been killed in both countries and nothing can justify their killings; no cause no matter how right it may seem can justify creating circumstances that could kill innocents, and a ground invasion will do that.

And an organisation like Hamas cannot be wiped out as it will always have support from some sections of society, maybe, in a different form, it will rise again. Violence will only lead to more violence, it’s a vicious circle.

War can never be a solution.

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