avatarSaurabh Srivastava, PhD


Walter, You Deserve a Chemistry Nobel!

The testimony to Walter White and the “Breaking Bad” on their reflection on financial and social struggle of ‘deserving’ but ‘unrecognized’ academicians.

Photo by Denis Oliveira on Unsplash

Dear Walter White,

I hope this letter finds you well. I want to take a moment to express how your character, portrayed in “Breaking Bad,” has inspired me during my journey as a scientist.

First and foremost, your transformation from a financially struggling high school chemistry teacher to an amazing entrepreneur has been a true inspiration. Something that most of PhDs dream of, and are expected to do, but usually can’t do it in their lifetime. Your journey from ordinary to extraordinary is a constant reminder that the human psyche is capable of immense changes, both for better and worse.

Your character’s deep moral ambiguity, struggle with life, your passion for science, social obligations and ethical dilemmas have been a source of inspiration for many like me. Your choices, often driven by a perceived necessity to protect your family, raise questions about the nature of morality and the justifiability of one’s actions in the face of dire consequences.

Although the series often portrays you as a person who went through transition from a person of strong morality to increasingly immoral person, I don’t find enough reasons to blame you for this.

How else would an average American with average healthcare would respond after being diagnosed with terminal lung cancer?

Although I get it, that your decision to manufacture and sell methamphetamine was a radical departure from your academic life but any chemistry is good chemistry as far as you are purifying above 95%. Science is an ongoing process and it can not be judged by the social norms; norms change, laws change, rules change but the skills and facts don’t. Given a chance, you would have created a life saving drug with your knowledge and skills.

I would not discuss about legality and ruthless manners of your business in this letter; I find them totally out of my expertise.

As a person, you portrayed an individual who, when challenged by terminal cancer diagnosis takes control of his life against the financial struggles. In the conditions when most people lose hope, your determination to provide for your family is unparalleled.

In my mind, if fictional characters were entitled for Nobel Prizes, you would have received by now, for your ‘Identification and Optimization of Production of Methamphetamine for Public Uses’.

As an organic chemist, you inspired a generation. Your undeniably exceptional skills to consistently create a product of such high purity demonstrates a level of expertise that only a few can match. Plus, you have been resourcefulness with your methods, and your signature “blue meth” has been a testament to what someone can achieve with true understanding of chemistry.

I wonder if your protocols for producing extremely pure and high-quality methamphetamine could be adopted by big pharma?

I know if the Nobel committee selects you for the prize for your contributions to ‘public service’, it will be met with shock and disappointment in octogenarian professors. Regardless of the business aspect of your character, your character has led to increased awareness of the dangers of drug addiction and the devastating impact of the drug trade. Before your full transformation into entrepreneur, you sparked discussions about the ethical responsibilities of scientists and the consequences of using scientific knowledge for unlawful purposes.

I believe, in light of these unintended but significant contributions to public service, awareness to addiction, stimulating the conversation on science- business overlap, morality, emotional and financial aspect of cancers, and ethical dilemmas of a common family man, you deserve a global recognition.

In conclusion, Walter, your character has served as a thought-provoking and multi-dimensional case study that has enriched my research in numerous ways. Although, I am neither a chemist, nor an entrepreneur, I cannot deny the profound impact your character in my understanding of human psychology, ethics, morality, and the complexities of decision-making.

Thank you for being such a compelling and thought-provoking character, and I wish you well, even if your fate is sealed in the world of fiction.



Nobel Prize
TV Series
Breaking Bad
Walter White
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