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Vivek Ramaswamy, a wealthy entrepreneur with no political experience, is running for President of the United States, positioning himself as an outsider and challenging the popular Republican front-runner, Donald Trump.


Vivek Ramaswamy, an affluent individual with a net worth nearing a billion dollars, has entered the presidential race as a Republican candidate. Despite his lack of political experience, Ramaswamy has garnered attention for his success in the biotech and pharmaceutical industries and his authorship of the book "Woke, Inc." His campaign emphasizes his outsider status and calls for a political revolution, appealing to patriots with small donations. Ramaswamy's candidacy draws parallels to Trump's unexpected victory in 2016, with both men running on platforms that resonate with certain segments of the Republican base. As the race progresses, Ramaswamy faces the challenge of maintaining his campaign against Trump's enduring popularity among Republicans.


  • Ramaswamy's decision to run for president is seen as genuine and not merely a tactic to secure a media position, given his substantial wealth.
  • Some Republicans believe Trump will secure the nomination, as evidenced by efforts to keep his name off ballots in certain states.
  • The article suggests that Ramaswamy's campaign could potentially disrupt the expected outcome of Trump winning the Republican nomination.
  • There is an assumption that other candidates, including Ramaswamy, may drop out as the primary race continues, although this is not a certainty.
  • The candidacy of Nikki Haley, whose parents are also Indian immigrants, is noted for her current standing as the second most popular Republican candidate after Trump.
  • The text implies that Ramaswamy's policy proposals, such as deporting children of illegal immigrants, align with the values of a segment of the Republican electorate.

Vivek Ramaswamy Is Making His Name Known

Running for President of the USA

Photo by Kristina Volgenau on Unsplash

People may wonder why he is running.

Other people in the past who have never held an elective office have put their hats in the ring to try and become the President of the United States. When Trump first ran in a crowded Republican primary, he seemed an unlikely candidate. He had no political or elected office experience, but he had name recognition.

His lifestyle may not have seemed to be compatible with the conservative values that the Republican Party has espoused at least in the past.

Democrats were happy to see Trump as the Republican nominee because they thought he would be easy to beat.

Yet, surprisingly, he won the Republican nomination and was elected as President of the United States. Trump himself has said multiple times that he was not supposed to win or expected to win.

Photo by Sean Foster on Unsplash

Vivek Ramaswamy is another of those running with no political experience. He was asked by a talk show host if he is running for President in order to secure a media gig. That is unlikely. With a net worth of $950 million or possibly a billion dollars, he does not need a media gig.

Ramaswamy was born and raised in Ohio. His parents were immigrants from India. He has been successful in becoming wealthy through the biotech and pharmaceutical industries.

Some people in Republican political circles knew who he was after he authored a book in 2012. It was called Woke, Inc. Most of the general public had likely never heard of him.

Photo by Alexander Grey on Unsplash

A page asking for campaign donations for Ramaswamy says the following:

I am an outsider

I’ll do my part — will you do yours?

Small donations of $5, $10, or even $50 lift up this campaign. We are engaging with patriots across America who are ready for the revolution — people who have never gotten involved in a political movement before today. Join our movement:

Perhaps he has ulterior motives or he just might think he can win.

It seems to be assumed that Trump will win the Republican nomination. Some people are trying to keep his name off the ballots in certain states. That means they think he will win. The other candidates still in the race must think they have a chance to overtake Trump although he remains popular among his base.

Ramaswamy has recently said that one of the things he would do if he were elected President of the United States is to deport the children who were born in the United States of illegal immigrant parents.

Nikki Randhawa Haley’s parents are also immigrants from India. She appears to currently be next to Trump in popularity among Republicans.

As candidates drop out of the Republican Primary race, it may be expected that Ramaswamy will do the same.

Thank you for reading.

Republican Party
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