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Vacation Roulette: The Excitement Grows

Getting ready for a vacation is always fun, especially when you don’t know where you’re going

Art by Linden Schneider

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You glance behind you to make sure your partner hasn’t come back from making tea. Seeing that you’re still alone, you click ‘Yes’ and then quickly click ‘Submit’.

For one agonizing second, the question remains on the page. You can hear your partner coming back into the room just as the next page loads. You try not to let out a sigh of relief. Honestly, you’re not sure why you were so nervous. They’re going to have the same question. Right?

You smile nervously as you hand the computer over to your partner. You wonder why you feel so guilty. It’s the right choice — one life for ten. But there was no context given. Your brain runs through some pretty horrific scenarios as you make your way to the kitchen.

You find yourself staring out the window over the kitchen sink when your partner calls you back to the computer. When you get there, they’re smiling.

“Check it out! We passed!” they exclaim, clearly excited. They obviously didn’t feel guilty about the question, so you feel better about your answer.

Looking at your screen, you see ‘Congratulations!’ Written in large font across the top of the page, with what looks like a .gif from the 90s of fireworks going off. Amused, you sit and click the green button that says ‘continue to payment details’.

You enter all your information and submit it. Everything goes through, and you look at your partner excitedly. You’re going on vacation!

You have about six weeks before you leave. Time is flying, and you and your partner are obsessing over what to pack. You don’t have any flight information, including if they charge extra for bags, so you’re both trying to keep your packing to a minimum. But that isn’t easy when you’re not sure what you’re going to be doing.

“Obviously, we need bathing suits,” says your partner.

“Obviously. More than one each, do you think?” You are looking at the spare room bed, where you and your partner have your clothes spread out, including several bathing suits for the both of you.

“Maybe two? They don’t take up much room,”

You agree, and you move your bathing suits to the ‘going’ pile.

This continues as you discuss what kinds of clothing you might need. Some clothes that can be worn in active situations. Something nice for going out. Some casual clothing for recreation. Some comfortable clothes for lounging.

As you discuss what you might be doing on your trip, you get more excited. This was happening. At first, you were apprehensive about the mystery of it all, but as you get used to the idea, it’s growing on you. Your partner is practically vibrating with excitement. They talk about the vacation non-stop, which is fine by you because that’s all you want to talk about too.

You finish tonight’s round of ‘what should we pack’ and then settle in with your partner to watch any show you can find that takes place in a tropical setting, occasionally commenting,

“Wow, it would be awesome if we went there,”


“Can you imagine us on that beach? It could be us!”

The vacation can’t come fast enough.

A few nights later, you are in bed next to your partner. They’ve been asleep for a while now, but you have been caught up watching some videos and are just starting to feel sleepy. You’re about to call it a night when a text message comes in.

Do not go on Vacation Roulette. It’s a trap. You will not make it home.

Followed by,

You will find nothing but death.

You are taken aback. You don’t recognize the number. You can feel fear growing in the pit of your stomach. Who was this? How did they know you’d signed up for Vacation Roulette? You and your partner had decided not to tell anyone the nature of your vacation until right before, so nobody could give you flack about it.

But this was something else entirely. It made you question even going. And it effectively killed your excitement. You feel deflated and disappointed.

You consider whether or not to wake your partner and share the text messages with them, knowing what it did to your enthusiasm for the trip. Do you want to handle this on your own?

You decide to wake them up (click here).

You put your phone away and go to sleep (click here).

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