avatarThe Diary of a Black Man (TD/BM)


Unmasking the Real Threat to AMERICA

For I found the perpetrator and I want to put a stop to it.

Photo by Clay Banks on Unsplash


Are you ready to join, me as I kick off my crowdfunding campaign to raise money for my college tuition to earn a master degree in London? I hope so, because I would love for you to join me in this journey, as I set off to LONDON to sharpen my skills as an actor and storyteller to provide YOU with better content later in my career.

Here is the link to the 1st Episode that starts off with Kimane (ME) unmasking the ominous threat that he faces, as he prepares for Grad School:

Stay tune for the next six weeks, as I will be posting 5 more, 5-minutes episodes of PURE ENTERTAINMENT that will be posted in the next weeks!

Are you feeling like you want to further invest in to my Journey? Here is the link to my crowdfunding campaign,

After donating please follow me on instagram (@au_kjune). Then like, comment, and share your thoughts to others about this PURE FORM OF ENTERTAINMENT with the HASHTAG #IAMINVESTED #GOKIMANEGO


Student Debt
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