avatarSuresh Sangwan Saru


Unlocking the Treasure of Self

How yoga and meditation can help you discover your true potential

Photo by Jorge Fernández Salas on Unsplash

Imagine that each person is like a unique, handcrafted masterpiece created by a divine artist. Just like a skilled painter meticulously crafts a painting, a higher power is believed to have carefully designed each human being.

This creation includes our physical bodies, minds, thoughts, emotions, and the ability to contemplate the world around us. This intricate design sets us apart from other creatures on Earth.

This idea holds that the main reason we are here is not just to strive after transient pleasures and material things. It’s more like we’ve been handed a riddle to solve or a big adventure.

Our purpose in life is to go into the core of who we are, comprehend who we are, and reveal tremendous wisdom.

There are ancient practices like yoga and meditation to aid us on this journey. Think of them as maps that guide us through the uncharted territory of our inner selves. These practices encourage us to turn our attention away from the constant distractions of the outside world and direct it inward.

Photo by Mor Shani on Unsplash

Imagine life as a bustling marketplace with countless shiny objects and distractions vying for our attention. These distractions may provide momentary happiness but often leave us feeling empty or stressed in the long run. It’s as if we are chasing after colourful balloons that appear delightful but eventually burst, leaving us disappointed.

However, when we practice yoga and meditation, it’s like we step into a serene garden within ourselves. We sit in stillness and start to notice the beautiful flowers hidden amidst the marketplace’s chaos.

We begin to understand that true and lasting happiness is not acquiring more balloons but appreciating the garden’s beauty within us.

This inner journey can be challenging. It requires us to gain control over our desires and impulses that constantly pull us towards external distractions. It’s like learning to steer a ship from stormy seas to calm waters. It takes practice and patience.

Yet, as we delve deeper into our consciousness through these practices, we discover an immense and everlasting source of joy and peace. It’s like stumbling upon a hidden treasure chest within ourselves.

This treasure is not made of gold or jewels but of profound wisdom, inner peace, and a sense of connection to something greater than ourselves.

In essence, the real adventure in life is not about collecting as many external possessions or pleasures as possible.

It’s about embarking on a journey within ourselves, unlocking the treasure trove of inner joy, and realizing our true potential as unique and special creations of a higher power.

This journey is facilitated by practices like meditation, which serve as our inner compass guiding us toward the ultimate discovery of self.

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