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Git revert and git reset are two Git commands used to undo changes, with revert adding a new commit to reverse changes and reset altering the project history to discard changes.


The article explains the differences between git revert and git reset commands. Git revert is used to create a new commit that undoes changes from past commits without altering the project history, making it suitable for maintaining a clear record of changes over time, especially in collaborative environments. On the other hand, git reset moves the current branch's HEAD to a specified state, potentially altering the project history by discarding commits. It has three modes of operation — soft, mixed, and hard — each affecting the working directory and staging area differently. The choice between revert and reset depends on the context: revert is preferred for shared branches to preserve history, while reset is typically used for local reorganization of commits before sharing work.


  • The author suggests that git revert is particularly useful in collaborative environments where preserving the history of changes is important.
  • Git reset is described as powerful but should be used with caution, especially the --hard option, due to the potential for data loss.
  • The author emphasizes that git reset should generally be reserved for correcting local work and not used on public history to avoid disrupting other project contributors.
  • The article implies that understanding when to use git revert versus git reset is crucial for maintaining the integrity of a Git repository's history and collaborative workflow.
  • The author expresses hope that the provided examples will enhance the reader's understanding of these concepts and concludes by inviting readers to support their work and consider using a recommended AI service.

Understanding git Reset and git revert

Git revert and git reset are two Git commands that allow you to undo changes in a repository, but they operate in fundamentally different ways and are used in different scenarios. Here’s a breakdown of the main differences:

git revert

  • Purpose: git revert is used to create a new commit that undoes the changes introduced by one or more previous commits.

It does not alter the project history, but adds to it.

  • History Preservation: Since git revert adds a new commit to the history, it preserves the complete history of changes, which is beneficial for maintaining a record of what has happened over time, especially in shared or public repositories.
  • Usage Scenario: Use git revert when you need to undo changes but want to keep the history of those changes. It’s particularly useful in collaborative environments where preserving history and maintaining consistency across branches is important.

This is how we use Get revert.

Step1: Identify the Commit:

git log --oneline

Step2: Revert the Commit:

git revert a1b2c3d //Commit hash

Step 3: Finalizing the Revert

  • If the revert was successful without any conflicts, you’re done. The new commit will be added to your history, effectively undoing the changes made by the specified commit while preserving the integrity of the subsequent work.
  • If there were conflicts, resolve them by editing the files as needed, then use git add to stage the resolved files, and finally, use git commit to complete the revert operation.

Step 4: Git push.

git Reset

  • Purpose: git reset is used to reset your current branch’s HEAD to a specified state. It can be used to discard commits in a private branch or to remove uncommitted changes.
  • History Alteration: git reset can alter the project history by moving the HEAD and current branch pointer to a previous commit, effectively discarding commits that came after the specified commit.

There are three main modes of operation: — soft, — mixed (default), and — hard.

  • Usage Scenario: Use git reset when you need to correct mistakes in your local repository or restructure your commit history before pushing to a shared repository. It’s powerful but should be used with caution, especially with the — hard option, as it can lead to data loss.
  • git reset — soft <commit_hash>: Moves the HEAD to the specified commit, but leaves your working directory and staging area (index) as they were, allowing you to redo the commit history.
  • git reset <commit_hash> or git reset — mixed <commit_hash>: Resets the staging area to match the specified commit but leaves the working directory unchanged. This is useful for un-staging changes.
  • git reset — hard <commit_hash>: Resets both the staging area and the working directory to match the specified commit. Any changes made after the specified commit will be lost.

Choosing Between revert and reset

  • Collaborative Work: Prefer git revert for undoing changes in shared branches to preserve the integrity and history of the branch.
  • Local Work: Use git reset when working locally and you need to reorganize commits or correct recent mistakes before sharing your work.

Remember, using git reset with — hard or altering public history can be disruptive to others working on the project, so it’s generally reserved for correcting local work. git revert is safer for changes that have been shared with others.

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