avatarLucy Dan 蛋小姐 (she/her/她)


unattended cooking

my cooking origin story

Photo by MChe Lee on Unsplash

an entire meal prep routine that requires little to no monitoring was my gateway to finally learning how to cook.

rice cooker? just get the rice and water just right and this little beast takes care of the rest.

slow cooker? put your combination of meat, veggies and the right spices and a delicious side dish is born after 8 hours of gestation.

Tagging Krupesh Raikar | Anuradha Wickramarachchi | Pierre Trudel | Bingz Huang | Whatsinanaim | Kasun Ranasinghe| ScienceDuuude if you’re up to it and anyone else interested in today’s prompt: what is your cooking style? what is your cooking “origin story”?

How to join: include the original post of the person who tagged you for reference and tag 5–10 other people (or simply ‘tag all’) who might be interested in this prompt! (Ps, there’s no deadline!)

Lucy Dan 蛋小姐 (she/her/她) started small and now has such a hobby and interest in learning how to cook delicious food from home :) Part of this is fueled by the fact that the past few tv shows she watched are food-centered, oops (including Food Wars & Dinner Mate).

🌿 Come read my fave pieces & share yours! 🌿

Poetry Prompt
Slow Cooker
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