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Two kilograms of cocaine washed ashore on a Western Australian beach, prompting a poetic narrative by Lady Donga Diaries about the dangers of drugs and the importance of nature.


A unique narrative unfolds as Lady Donga Diaries recounts the discovery of two kilograms of cocaine on Batavia Coast Beach. The story is interwoven with the appearance of black cockatoos, a conversation with a brown snake, and the ultimate decision to destroy the drugs rather than let them cause harm. The article emphasizes the destructive impact of cocaine on lives, the importance of preserving the natural beauty of the environment, and the role of nature's creatures as spiritual guides and indicators of significant events.


  • The author views the black cockatoos as spirit birds and interprets their presence as a significant omen.
  • There is a clear stance against the destructive nature of cocaine, highlighting its ability to ruin lives.
  • The writer believes in the power of nature and its creatures to guide human actions, as seen with the brown snake's interaction.
  • The act of burning the cocaine is seen as a ceremonial cleansing of the area, banishing the drug from their community.
  • The author advocates for a connection with nature and its intrinsic value over artificial highs from drugs.

Two kilos of Cocaine washed up on our Beach the Other Day

And now its gone — so herein read what we have to say — Poetic Pussycat Tale

Batavia Coast Beach, Western Australia © Lady Donga Diaries 2023

A Pussy Cat Tale

Lady Donga Diaries

Words & Pictures — Lady Donga

Meow 204

The flapping and squawking was louder than ever

That signal from the air — in which to learn and be clever

As we stepped out of the house — and looked right up above

There were seven black cockatoos — and not one single dove

Black Cockatoo — Photo Wikipedia

Another five joined them — so that now made twelve

That meant something was happening — and in that we should delve

Because the black cockatoo spirit birds — are rarely off track

They came directly to the house and squawked on with a quack

My human Seaspray D and I — walked our way to the sea

Yes down along the river — me with him — and him with me

Cormorants — © Lady Donga Diaries 2023

And we kept our eye out — for his and my sake

And there squirming in front of us — was a deadly brown snake

We asked Mr snake — had he seen anything suspicious?

He hissed at us with a “no — nothing at all — particularly delicious”

We were down on the beach now — with our eyes searching in vain

And there it was covered in barnacles — two kg of cocaine

We had heard about this on TV — happening mainly on the east coast

But here it was washed up in the west — a white powdery ghost

The cocaine kilos asked us to rescue it — and save it from the sea

But we knew much better than that — the damage it can do to you and me

We knew that it was responsible — for destroying young people’s lives

They start off with dopamine highs — but then no more high fives

The addicts then become a prisoner — chasing that initial fine high

But that white powder just sends them to hell — and not to the sky

So me and my human Seaspray D — we gathered a big pile of driftwood

And burned that cocaine monster to death — now banished from our hood

Batavia Coast © Lady Donga Diaries 2023

And our spirit birds the black cockatoos — all squawked with approval

That white powder threat gone from our beach — a thorough removal

Black Cockatoo photo Wikipedia

So I say to the children of our world — that want to get high

Better to love our Mother Nature — as there is no come down — or sigh

MeoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooW for now

Until next time

With Love — Lady Donga Diaries — © Meow 204–2023

Donga © Lady Donga Diaries 2023
Mother Nature
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