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Turns out you’ve been sabotaging your whole life

But these simple techniques will reveal your true potential.

Photo by Md Mahdi on Unsplash

Self-awareness is one of the most critical ingredients for personal growth and fulfillment, yet it remains elusive. Knowing ourselves deeply — our core values, motivations, strengths, weaknesses, emotional patterns, and inner narratives — allows us to live and lead centered, authentic lives aligned with who we truly are. Self-improvement is hugely popular for good reason; it empowers us to create the change we wish to see. In this post, we’ll explore proven life coaching techniques to uncover blind spots, excavate our inner truths, and ultimately take action to manifest outer lives that honor our inner selves. Get ready to dive into self-discovery. The treasures you’ll uncover await.

The Power of Knowing Yourself

Self-awareness provides immense power. It helps you identify the values and passions that fuel you, so you can proactively seek personal and professional endeavors that align with what matters most. Understanding your natural strengths allows you to operate from them more frequently, while developing self-knowledge around weaknesses provides opportunity for growth. Increased emotional and behavioral self-awareness helps you catch recurring patterns that may no longer serve you, allowing you to consciously shift them. Most importantly, deep knowledge of your motivations, tendencies and needs allows you to communicate them to others clearly, creating healthier relationships.

Without self-awareness, it’s easy to pursue misaligned goals that seemed right but ultimately ring hollow. You can waste years climbing ladders placed against the wrong walls. A lack of self-knowledge also leads to repeated pitfalls, as unconscious patterns undermine your potential for happiness and success. Make the empowering choice to pursue self-awareness intentionally. You’ll gain the compass that guides a life well lived — one where your external choices align with your inner truths.

“Knowledge of the self is the mother of all knowledge.” — Khalil Gibran

Life Coaching Techniques to Try

Life coaches are masters at facilitating self-discovery in their clients. Here are some of their most powerful techniques for cultivating greater self-awareness:

  • Journaling exercises probe your inner world, asking insightful questions about your values, fears, sources of meaning, and vision for yourself. Journal regularly to uncover patterns.
  • Personality and strengths assessments like Myers-Briggs, StrengthsFinder, and Enneagram shed light on your innate tendencies, gifts, and work style preferences.
  • Meditation and reflection foster introspection by creating space for inner wisdom to bubble up. Unplugging allows truths to surface.
  • Visualization involves vividly imagining your ideal future self and outcomes. The gaps between current and future you provide clues for growth.
  • Identifying patterns around your decisions, behaviors and relationships can reveal recurring roadblocks to be addressed.
  • Excavating stories you subconsciously tell yourself about inadequacy or limitations can unveil untruths that block your potential.
  • Working with a coach skilled in asking empowering questions can uncover blind spots you can’t see solo. External perspective is invaluable.

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Trying even one of these techniques can crack open doors of self-understanding. Over time, integrating multiple approaches creates a holistic view of your inner nature, guiding you to live with greater authenticity, power, and purpose. What simple step will you take today? Your journey of self-discovery awaits.

Photo by Niels Bosman on Unsplash

Putting Self-Awareness into Action

The true power of self-awareness comes from applying it to create real change. Here’s how to take action:

  • Set goals around your newly discovered values, motivations and interests. Choose growth opportunities aligned with who you are.
  • Make different choices and changes to align your external life with your internal self — your career, relationships, habits, lifestyle.
  • Lean into innate strengths while improving weaknesses. Adopt a growth mindset that you can develop new skills.
  • Adjust inner narratives causing self-limitation. Rewrite your story from a place of self-compassion.
  • Communicate reclaimed needs and boundaries to others clearly. Authenticity fosters healthier relationships.

With courage and creativity, you can manifest an outer life that honors and reflects your inner self. Self-awareness provides the compass; self-determination provides the fuel to step into your potential. It’s never too late to reinvent and align from within.

“Knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom.” — Aristotle


Pursuing self-awareness provides immense rewards, but requires commitment. Using life coaching tools like journaling, assessments, meditation and an external coach can unlock deep insights about your values, patterns and blind spots. This self-knowledge is power — it guides us home to who we truly are. Then the real work begins: taking action to close the gap between our inner and outer lives. Start small today. Reflect on one new insight about yourself uncovered recently. How can you translate that into visible change? Your journey toward self-actualization begins with a single step.

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Life Lessons
Self Improvement
Personal Growth
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