avatarKatie Reierson


The website content provides guidance on converting podcasts and video content into written thought leadership articles to reach a broader audience and enhance SEO, credibility, and lead generation.


The article emphasizes the importance of repurposing audio and video content into written form to expand audience reach, improve SEO through keyword targeting, establish expertise, and increase lead generation. It outlines a process starting with selecting a relevant topic, transcribing the content, outlining the article, writing engagingly, and finally editing and proofreading. The article suggests that while the process can be time-consuming, the benefits of creating long-form thought leadership articles are substantial, including the ability to present detailed insights and persuasive arguments that can position a content creator as an authority in their niche.


  • The article conveys that many content creators struggle with transforming their audio and video content into written form, suggesting a common challenge in the industry.
  • It posits that written content remains relevant and is preferred by a significant portion of the audience, countering any notions that reading has become obsolete.
  • The article advocates for the use of transcription services to streamline the content conversion process, acknowledging the efficiency and time-saving benefits of such tools.
  • It suggests that a well-structured outline is crucial for creating a coherent and persuasive article, which should not necessarily adhere strictly to the original transcript.
  • The article encourages writers to infuse their personality and voice into their writing to make it more engaging and relatable to the target audience.
  • It emphasizes the importance of using rhetorical devices, facts, and statistics to enhance the content's memorability and credibility.
  • The article recommends using formatting tools strategically to emphasize key points and improve readability.
  • It advises thorough editing and proofreading, possibly with the help of tools or professional editors, to ensure the article is clear, coherent, and polished.
  • The article concludes by acknowledging the potential overwhelm of the process but assures that the rewards, such as increased trust and idea dissemination, are worth the investment.

Turn Your Podcast into Written Content

Photo by ConvertKit on Unsplash

You have the expertise — let it reach a wider audience!

You have the ideas; you have the creativity … you even have the content. But getting it from podcast, video, or webinar to written thought leadership is a struggle.

And you’re not alone. Many content creators and marketers struggle with repurposing their audio and video content into written form.

But why should you bother with this in the first place? Do people read anymore?

Yes. They do. There are tons of benefits of turning your podcast episodes or webinars into long-form thought leadership articles, such as:

  • You can reach a wider and more diverse audience who prefer reading over listening or watching.
  • You can boost your SEO ranking and organic traffic by targeting relevant keywords and providing valuable information to your readers.
  • You can establish yourself as an expert and a leader in your niche by sharing your insights, opinions, and stories in a more detailed and persuasive way.
  • You can generate more leads and conversions by adding relevant calls to action and links to your products or services.

So, how do you go about transforming your podcast episodes or webinars into long-form thought leadership articles? Here are some steps you can follow:

Choose a suitable topic

Pick a topic that is relevant, timely, and interesting for your audience. You also want to make sure that the topic has enough depth and scope to be expanded into a long-form article — but you’ll be surprised how far you can take a topic you’re passionate about.

Transcribe your audio or video content

The next step is to convert your podcast episode or webinar into text. You can do this manually, by listening and typing, or you can use an automated transcription service to save time and effort. Make sure to review and edit the transcript for accuracy, clarity, and grammar.

Outline your article

Once you have the transcript, you can start outlining your article. You can use the transcript as a guide, but you don’t have to follow it exactly. You can rearrange, add, or delete sections as needed. The goal is to create a clear and logical structure for your article that covers the main points, arguments, and evidence of your topic. A typical outline for a thought leadership article might look something like this:

Write your article

After outlining your article, you can start writing it based on the outline. You can use the transcript as a reference, but you don’t have to copy it word for word. You can paraphrase, rewrite, or expand on the transcript as needed. The main goal is to write in a clear, concise, and engaging way that showcases your personality and voice. You also want to write in a way that appeals to your target audience.

Here are some tips to help you write better:

  • Use short sentences and paragraphs to make your content easier to read and understand.
  • Use active voice and action verbs to make your content more dynamic and powerful.
  • Use simple and familiar words to make your content more accessible and relatable.
  • Use rhetorical devices like questions, analogies, metaphors, similes, stories, or humor to make your content more interesting and memorable.
  • Use facts, statistics, quotes, testimonials, case studies, or research findings to make your content more credible and authoritative.
  • Use formatting appropriately and to your advantage.

Edit and proofread your article

The final step is to review and polish your article before publishing it. You can use tools like Grammarly to check for spelling, grammar, punctuation, or readability errors. You can also ask a friend, colleague, or professional editor to give you feedback and suggestions for improvement.

Here are some things to look for when editing and proofreading your article:

Content: Ensure your article is clear, coherent, complete, and consistent with a strong introduction, body, and conclusion. Cover all the main points, arguments, and evidence of your topic, and have a clear and compelling thesis or argument with an effective call to action.

Style: When writing an article, capture the reader’s attention, present yourself as an authority, and appeal to your target audience. Use appropriate tone, language, and vocabulary.

Format: Organize, structure, and present your content effectively. Use clear headings, subheadings, transitions, bullet points, numbered lists, images, graphs, charts, or videos. Use formatting tools like bolding, italics, underlining, highlighting, or color coding to emphasize important words and phrases.

Turning your quality, authoritative content into written thought leadership can be overwhelming. And time-consuming. But the benefits can be huge. So take your time, do your research, and build trust with a new audience with written thought leadership.

Want to talk more about how you can further capitalize on your ideas with written content? Reach out! I’d love to learn from you and help your ideas spread!

Thought Leadership
Written Content
Effective Communication
Writing Tips
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