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Trump is Such a Loser

It’s time we start pointing that out

Photo by Steffen Albrecht on Unsplash

We’ve been patient with this guy and his message, however misguided he might be. I understand there are a whole lot of people who think he’s the best thing since sliced bread.

The thing is, he’s a nutbar.

And YIKES, Trump is an old guy too.

But instead, the media focuses on Biden’s age, ignoring how old Trump is. Just to be clear, there’s only a three-year difference. If you’re going to say Biden’s too old, you can’t tell us Trump is a spring chicken. It’s basic math.

Three years isn’t such a big deal. Most of us are in relationships where there’s more than a 3-year age gap. You’d be hard-pressed to tell my partner they’re less capable because they’re older than I am. The truth is, sometimes they’re even more capable than I am, especially when something mechanical needs fixing.

But I digress.

The media makes a huge thing about Biden’s age as if he’s somehow not capable. And that’s not true at all.

A few facts. Since he’s been President, Biden has accomplished a lot. Here are a few examples.

  • Lowered healthcare and drug costs
  • The Inflation Reduction Act, which will transition us to clean energy
  • A large investment in mental health and enhanced background checks for gun purchasers. (Bipartisan Safer Communities Act)
  • He forgave federal student loans for tens of millions of borrowers. He also changed things so future repayment terms are better for lower income earners.

Be careful of what you’re not aware of

The media ignore Trump’s ravings on a regular basis. Did you know he told store owners in California that they should shoot shoplifters?

He’s a fraud, facing 91 felony charges. He’s also a racist authoritarian rapist.

It’s important to talk about what he says he will do if he gets reelected. Because he might just get there. Here are just a few of his brilliant ideas:

  • He’s going to criminally investigate anyone who opposes him.
  • He wants to remove the civil service protection for career employees so he can fire them for standing up to him.
  • He would deport people for holding anti-American viewpoints.
  • He would have Congress pass a bill establishing two genders.
  • He would pardon himself and anyone who participated in the attack on the Capital.

In case you’re wondering what’s going on with the 91 charges against Trump, here’s what I’ve heard about one of the cases.

On Friday night, (Dec 1, 2023) Judge Chutkan said no to a major argument from Trump’s legal team.

His lawyers had claimed that the court couldn’t bring a criminal case against him for things he did while he was the president. Their reason? Presidents have immunity.

When she rejected the argument, the judge said, “The Constitution’s text, structure, and history do not support that idea [that the charges should be dropped].”

She explained that no court or branch of the government had ever accepted this immunity argument, and there was no way that her court was going to be the first one to do it.

She also said that being the President doesn’t give you a lifelong pass to avoid being held accountable for crimes.

Duh, of course it doesn’t. At least it shouldn’t.

This ruling was a great win for the people. We can’t have our leaders getting away with committing crimes, just because they’re in charge. Can you imagine where that would lead?

She also refused another argument from Trump’s lawyers. They were trying to say that his actions were protected by the First Amendment, which guarantees freedom of speech.

The Judge disagreed, saying that the First Amendment doesn’t protect speech used as a tool for committing a crime.

In other words, if Trump told a cashier to ‘hand over the money’, it would be a crime, not Freedom of Speech.

That’s another great win. We can’t have people inciting illegal acts and then claiming Freedom of Speech. Here’s the precedent:

Specifically, freedom of speech does not include the right: To incite imminent lawless action. Brandenburg v. Ohio, 395 U.S. 444 (1969).

The judge didn’t decide on a few other requests to dismiss charges. But the ones she did rule on can be appealed. This means the lawyers can challenge her decisions. Appeals can cause delays, but they are part of the legal process.

And in this case, it’s good to get the appeals over with, so we get the case to court quicker.

In a civil case in Washington, D.C., there was a recent ruling against Trump‘s so-called presidential immunity. The court said that when a president is running for re-election, their campaign actions are not official presidential acts. So they can’t prevent votes from being counted, for example, and claim it as a presidential act.

This decision supports the judge’s decision in the above criminal case, which is another good thing.

There is a thing called presidential immunity.

Right now, he’s not the president, just a candidate, so he’s not entitled to immunity. But there’s a risk that he’ll be elected before the cases go to court.

If he’s elected in 2024, he might be able to stop any trials until after he leaves the White House. He might try to pardon himself, or delay the whole thing. He would have more control at the Federal level. Interfering at the State level isn’t in a president’s power. But he might have cronies at the State level that are willing to play along.

So the courts need to move things along quickly. They have to balance Trump’s right to a fair trial with the public’s right to justice.

In the end, the courts need to keep things fair and efficient. The goal is to get these criminal cases in front of the court and a jury ASAP. The American people need to have all of the information before the 2024 election.

I really don’t like talking about this guy because it makes me feel drained. I loathe researching him because I always discover some warped thing he’s said or done that I wasn’t aware of. It bothers me that so many people think he’s on their side.

On the other hand, I worry that not enough people are talking about his warped comments and his plans for the future. It’s time to stop worrying so much about spreading his message. It’s time to talk about it so people understand how important it is to vote.

His messages are our best insurance against him getting reelected.

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