
Tried and tested way to get paid 150 $ an hour for your opinions. With practical tips

How does getting paid 150 $ for an hour of your opinion sound? Respondent is a website that pays users for their opinions and suggestions to improve business’ products and designs. Think of it as an agency in the middle that connects businesses with the right people of right demographics, to guide businesses. The businesses pay people, who could be professionals in their field of work, users of their products or users of their competitors’ products for their valuable suggestions. And of course they charge the businesses, and for every user payout, 5% from the users too.

It is one of the highest paying paid interviews/studies/focus group sites around, and the payout can easily reach 150 $ per hour. The highest paying study so far for me was a 2 hour study that paid 350$! No wonder so many people vouch for it. The payments are sent to paypal. Though you need to apply to a lot of studies to get through a few. My current stats are: 291 applications, 11 paid (I cancelled an invite for a study that I later thought was not for me). You can surely increase your chances of selection by following the tips mentioned later in this article.

What types of studies are we talking about here?

There are a few types of studies available. Sorting by an order of increasing pay rate (my experience), per hour: 1. Unmoderated study. This will usually involve you going through certain simulated screens/steps and sharing your thoughts (verbally through mic and also written), recording is uploaded at the end. 2. One on one interview. Usually online, with someone asking you questions and someone else taking notes. This is the most common format that I have seen. 3. Physical visit. This can happen both ways. Someone can visit your home, or you can be asked to physically visit a place, which could be a retail store or a conference room focus group setting.

Tips to increase your chances of getting selected for studies:

1. Fill your profile honestly. It is very easy to see fake profiles or disjoint interests in a profile. 2. List all your skills. not only the ones that you consider professional. Don’t be shy. If you like to travel, that is a skill (planning, searching for a good deal). If your music taste is deep for a specific type of music, mention it. You never know what type of businesses are looking for a person like you. 3. While searching for studies, clear all the filters, and change the drop down option from “Sort Most relevant” to “Most recent”

This is because, in my experience, whenever a study is put out on the website, it quickly gets plenty of applicants, and the further away you are in applying order, the lesser your chances to get selected. 4. Connect your social media account(s). I am sure that it automatically filters out bots or fake profiles trying to get into authentic studies. It also lets researchers see the person behind the application. 5. Do a video introduction. This is something which I did not do for a long time and I suspect I am getting more selections after doing this. Prepare a script (you only get 1 minute to upload an introduction), practice saying your script a couple of times before recording, and sound confident while recording.

6. Verify your work email when asked. This makes you more likely to get selected for professional studies. There are plenty of studies about tools being used professionally, and surely businesses will prefer opinions of those who have used similar tools (and better yet, paid for by employers) than first time users.

So what are you waiting for? Sign up (affiliate link ahead) here and keep applying. And if you think you got some value from this article, please consider giving a clap or two. Happy hustling!

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