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Farewell Technoblade (Alex) — RIP

A famous YouTuber died at the age of 23 saddening millions of fans on social media.

Photo by cottonbro on Pexels

Dear Reader,

As a gamer and YouTuber, the recent death of Alex ( Technoblade) touched my heart. Alex is a similar age to me.

Unfortunately, he died at the age of 23 from sarcoma, which is a rare bone and soft tissue cancer.

Alex (whose name we just found out) is a very popular Minecraft gamer and YouTuber. Ten million people subscribed to his channel. He is a legend in the gaming world.

It was well known that he had been battling cancer for the past year or so.

After Technoblade was diagnosed with cancer, many Minecraft players, including YouTubers and streamers, started adding a purple ribbon to their in-game character to support cancer awareness.

After not posting a video on his YouTube channel for the past few months, a few days ago, a new video was finally posted.

But it was not what most people expected.

The video began with Technoblades dad announcing he had a message from Technoblade he was going to read to the audience.

· The message began with:

“Hello everyone, Technoblade here.

If you’re watching this, I am dead.”

I couldn’t hold my tears. I sensed many fans couldn’t either.

He went on to reveal his real name was Alex. We didn’t know before.

We always imagined him as Technoblade, which is cemented in our memories.

He ended the message with:

“And I hope you go on to live long, prosperous and happy lives because I love you guys. Technoblade out.”

Technoblade (aka Alex) was only 23 years old, just beginning life, and a carer for many of us. But he achieved a lot in this short lifetime, touching the heart of millions of gamers, YouTubers, and streamers.

To honor his memory, many fans have been posting “Technoblade never dies” on social media since he will live on in our memories.

The developers of Minecraft paid homage to Technoblade by changing the Minecraft launcher image, so now the pig on the cover has a crown (which was Technolades well-known character skin).

I copy the image here for his honor.

screen capture by author

Rest In Peace, Alex (Technoblade).

As fans believe, Technoblade will never die.

If you know Alex, I’d appreciate your comments on his honor.

Here is the link to Technoblade YouTube channel.

Final Poignant Video of Technoblade

Here is his recent six-minute video bringing us tears, watched by 53,668,190 people on Jul 1, 2022. His dad’s speech is so sad.

The Meaning of Minecraft to Me

I have been playing Minecraft since my early childhood. My parents encouraged me as it is a developmental game.

I still love Minecraft.

I enjoyed so much engaging with Alex via his legacy Technoblade.

Here are my favourite games in a recent story.

Minecraft is number one in the list.

My Final Thoughts on Cancers

Unfortunately, a few my friends died from cancer at very young age. And I lost some relatives and neighbours from various cancer types.

Interestingly, I recently read a few articles posted by Dr Mehmet Yildiz, a top writer on health and lifestyle topics on Medium and also the chief editor of Illumination Integrated publications.

As Dr. Yildiz mentioned, genetic conditions are inevitable for cancer, a highly complex and widespread disease. However, most of us might significantly reduce risks via healthy lifestyle habits.

I link the stories for awareness purposes.

My two takeaways from his stories were preventing obesity and sedentary life.

Thank you for reading my story. I wish you a healthy and prosperous life.

Here is another insightful story about death from Dr Mehmet Yildiz to give you a unique perspective to embrace our death and cherish every moment we have in this transient world.

Invitation to my Gaming and YouTube Publications

I am an editor of two publications on Medium.

One is for YouTubers, and another one is for gamers. If you are interested in these topics, I look forward to hosting your stories and promoting them.

Here are the invitations providing the scope of publications and details to join.

1 — Invitation to Write for ILLUMINATION on YouTube Publication

2 — Invitation: Join ILLUMINATION Gaming Publication as a Writer

Writer applications can be sent via this weblink.

Here is a collection including my videos introducing our top writers.


I post informative articles in my field covering gaming, film-making, media, and design. You can subscribe my account to get notification when I post on Medium. I also support Illumination Integrated Publications as an editor.

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