Tribal Scenarios

A story about sub-soul-group A22 and the Land Where People Forget
Bobby and Sally were madly in love with each other. Bobby and Sally were two of 81 people who made up the Purple People Tribe. Sure, their parents would always be special, but Bobby and Sally were not raised by their parents, but rather by the tribe itself. From the time since they were babies, the burden of their upbringing was shared by the whole tribe.
The Purple People Tribe’s educational system involved each child spending two moons with each and every tribe member. That tribe member would teach the child most everything they knew. Each tribe member had a specialty that the rest of the tribe relied upon, so that member would teach the child the basics of what he or she knew about their particular skill. Once a child had spent two moons with each tribe member, they knew how to do what everyone else did. That way, should a tribe member die anyone would be able to fill their shoes. That way, no skill was ever lost.
After the children finished puberty, they had to choose the one activity that they wanted to do the most, and they would then apprentice with a tribe member who had taught them that activity. Apprenticeships lasted anywhere from 2 to 8 years, depending on the activity and the teacher’s approval. The children would live with their teachers and perform daily chores in exchange for their apprenticeship.
Bobby and Sally were only two years apart in age. Bobby was about to finish his apprenticeship with Waldo who was in charge of taking care of the animals that lived with the tribe. Bobby had learned everything anyone in the tribe knew about horses; their care, their adornment, their health. He also learned the same for all the dogs that lived among the tribe. But he also learned about all the animals that roamed the land of the Purple People tribe. Over the course of his apprenticeship, Bobby had encountered and spoken with the spirits of every four-legged creature, as well as to the winged ones flying above. Waldo was proud of Bobby and he was confident that he would be able to take over his own duties. Waldo was advancing in age and a riding injury had recently hampered his ability to carry out his duties. Bobby was finishing his apprenticeship just in time.
Sally was in her second year of apprenticeship to Hannah, the master herbalist and medicine woman. Hannah knew every plant in the land. Some say she spoke to the plants and could find them by following their voices. Hannah had three apprentices, each in different levels of development. It took many years to learn all the plants and to learn how to use them for health and curing of injuries. All three apprentices were girls; Hannah being the youngest. These girls also learned about the birthing process. Hannah had one apprentice who had been with her already for 8 years and was still not complete in her studies. Not only was a lot to be learned, but the girl’s intuitive abilities also had to be developed. The tribe’s health was in the hands of these medicine women, and they took their jobs very seriously.
One hot summer evening, Bobby and Sally went to see Chief Crazy Talk. One of five chiefs of the tribe, Chief Crazy Talk was the chief in charge of the people’s welfare. In addition to his duties as chief of the people’s welfare, Chief Crazy Talk was also the tribe’s storyteller. Bobby and Sally had fond memories of listening to many stories told by Chief Crazy Talk over the years. Everyone in the tribe knew all the stories by heart. This evening, though, Bobby and Sally were not asking Chief Crazy Talk about the stories. Instead, they had come to ask him for his blessing.
Bobby and Sally were in love. They wanted to become love-mates and Chief Crazy Talk was the first of the five chiefs whose blessings they sought. In addition to the chief’s blessings, they also needed their teacher’s blessings, as well as the blessings of their biological parents. With all these blessings, they could proceed with the love ceremony which would proclaim them love-mates. They could then share a wickiup and make a child if they so chose.
Their love had been evident to all the tribe members for some time now, so there was little doubt that the blessings would be granted. The new moon was approaching and that is when the love ceremonies were held. Bobby and Sally were just bursting with love for each other and watched the moon each night with great anticipation.
So Bobby and Sally got married, so to speak, and they produced two beautiful children. Bobby became the leader in charge of the animals, and Sally continued her apprenticeship with Hannah and she proved to have very strong medicine. Their love never waned.
Six years after their love ceremony, the Purple People Tribe ran into some difficult times. Some other people had shown up calling themselves the Orange People. There were many thousands of people in the Orange People Tribe, although they didn’t even seem to have a tribe. They just seemed to be one huge mass of people and they acted very strangely. They grouped into small clusters of only two to five or six people, centered around the biological parents of children. Instead of several chiefs, they only had one. Instead of nurturing loving relationships with the animals and plants, the Orange People were very cruel to both. They were very cruel with each other, and the Purple People simply could not understand this. The Orange People had very strong addictions, both to fire water and religion, both of which made them crazy it seemed.
The Orange People told the Purple People Tribe that they wanted their land and they were going to take it. As the Orange People proceeded to evict the Purple People Tribe, a small war broke out as the Purple People tried to save their homes. The Purple People were far outnumbered, however, and they were soon massacred. Bobby and Sally, as well as their children and most all of the tribe, all died one horrible Autumn Day.
It was well-known among the Purple People Tribe that when two people engage in sex they take on the vibration patterns of each other. The same thing happens when two people engage in murder. (After all, it takes two people to commit the murder; one to be murdered, and one to do the murdering.) This is what made the business of being massacred so deplorable to the Purple People, for they did not want to take on the vibration patterns of the Orange People. But this is what happened.
Bobby and Sally reincarnated into the Orange People. They forgot all about their life with the Purple People Tribe. They were born in different parts of the land to Orange People families. Fate would bring them to the same city, though, and they happened to meet each other. Not surprisingly, they fell madly in love.
Bobby was a veterinarian and Sally was a nurse. They had two beautiful children and lived in the suburbs. They dreamed of getting a place to live out in the country where they could be closer to the land. As they grew older odd memories and impulses began rising to the surface of their consciousness. They longed for a kinship with others outside of their immediate family, but it was hard to feel a kinship with the huge mass of Orange People. Sally did not like the way her people dispensed medicine. It just didn’t feel right to her. Somehow, she just knew there was a better way. And Bobby was getting sick of treating poodles and for some reason longed to work with horses out in the country. He also longed for animal encounters in the wild — though there wasn’t much wild left.
Though Bobby and Sally were happy, they felt very incomplete. Bobby began drinking and Sally joined several church groups. Their lives were very lacking in joy, even though they had plenty of money. There was very little meaning, save for their children.
Then, one day, someone from around the world had come to attack the Orange People. Suddenly, war was in the air. Previously, there was much peace (though little happiness) and the idea of war had never fully entered the minds of Bobby and Sally. They were suddenly very scared, and this intense fear triggered dormant memories of massacre. They couldn’t quite put their fingers on these faint memories, but Bobby and Sally followed their impulses, selling their house, and moving to the country. They moved to a small town far from any potential terror and they got a small piece of land and built a home. To their surprise, they hit it off with their new neighbors immediately. It was as if they had known them before. In their first year in their new town, they met several people that they took an instant liking to. A group was forming — although it had a faint sense of reuniting to it.
Bobby ran into someone named Crazy Eddie one day, and instantly began a powerful friendship. Crazy Eddie was a writer and thinker and philosopher and story teller. Crazy Eddie filled Bobby’s mind with all sorts of metaphysical mumbo jumbo, and Bobby went through a metamorphosis. He quit drinking and he began studying the lives of an ancient people known as the Purple People Tribe. Bobby became obsessed with finding out everything he could about those people and the way they thought and lived. Bobby and Sally would have Crazy Eddie and other friends over for dinner occasionally. After dinner, they all listened to Crazy Eddie tell stories, after which much discussion ensued. They had a great time and a strong bond was forming among the whole group — which seemed to get larger with each season.
A meeting of sub-soul-group A22 was about to commence in Strategy Room E. The Strategy Room was a semi-circular auditorium with 144 seats — big enough for one sub-soul-group. Like a movie theater, there was a large screen with a small stage in front of it. Most of the sub-soul-group was already in their seats when a male member walked up onto the stage. The rest of the members quickly took their seats. The lights dimmed slightly.
The male member standing on the stage was an older man with thinning long and scraggly hair that was as white as his beard. He looked a lot like George Carlin, in fact, he sounded a lot like Carlin, too. He wore a faded jean shirt and faded jeans. Un-scuffed white tennis shoes adorned his feet. This was not a comedy act, however, but rather a strategy session — the final session before a large contingent of sub-soul-group members departed for The Land Where People Forget.
“Greetings, everyone!” said the Carlinesque figure on the stage. “Hundreds of strategy sessions have all led up to this final one — final for many of you. Of course, this really isn’t a strategy session. We’re just going to review the whole plan. And, of course, we will check in with our live cameras in The Land Where People Forget.”
The man, who coincidentally used the name George in one of his many lives in The Land Where People Forget, fell silent as he walked to the side of the stage.
Strategy Room E was not full. There were only 63 sub-soul-group members present. The other 81 were currently in The Land Where People Forget. It was the goal of Sub-soul-group A22 to be able to enter The Land Where People Forget…..and remember! But this goal has yet to be realized, even after thousands of trips into The Land Where People Forget.
The man resumed speaking, “After this meeting, 36 of you will be going to The Land Where People Forget. Before we check in on our 81 fellow sub-soul-group members, let’s set the situation:”
“The 81 members there now have shown us that they are slowly starting to remember who they are. They’ve come farther than any of us have in a long, long time. We have a chance at a real breakthrough soon. Those 36 of you who are leaving after the meeting will be coming in as a wave and will eventually help those 81 to remember. It will be mostly up to you to remind them of all the plans we have made — and also of the changes we’ve made to the plans. If we could all get to a point over there where we all remember, then we will have finally mastered that darn Land Where People Forget. I guess we wouldn’t be able to call it that anymore, huh!”
Some laughing spread through the room.
“Listen folks, this could be our most important mission. Remember, if we regain full memory over there, then there is no need to come back here. Chances are very good that all 36 leaving today will be able to awaken their full memory during the course of their lives. Many of the 81 over there now will be able to do it. The last wave that entered about 15 or 16 years ago is now getting into the position to be of great assistance. Some of them are already starting to remember. They went with lots of information to remember and impart. Even if only part of all that gets realized over there, it will have profound impact on the whole sub-soul-group.”
“So what is it that the next group of 36 will be bringing with them?”
Simultaneously, 36 sub-soul-group members shouted, “Joy!” It echoed and was followed by silence.
“And what will the next group of 27 bring?”
Simultaneously, 27 sub-soul-group members shouted, “A New Vibration!” The echo, oddly, was of a different pitch than the previous shouts.
“Whoa!” The Carlinesque figure grabbed his head, and, with eyes spinning, retorted, “I think I just had a flashback!”
The crowd roared with laughter.
The man resumed his normal posture, “Hey, maybe it was one of my lives having a trip and it’s just now hitting me. Hey, I had a life in the Sixties. And I was old enough to remember it; only problem is I’m not remembering it until now!”
The crowd again erupted in laughter.
The man bowed his head and fell silent for a moment. Slowly, he lifted his head and walked a few feet towards the center of the stage. “And now I’ll get serious.” He pulled out a little device from his pocket. He pushed a button on the device, and the movie screen was suddenly filled with a young couple passionately kissing.
“Here we have Bobby and Sally, who are pretty much in the same situation we found them in last time.”A few giggles erupted. “Greg and Donna, you’ll be going to join them and be their kids.”
Greg and Donna had once been Bobby’s and Sally’s parents, so they had a few paybacks in mind.
“Of course your real purpose is in sparking your parents into following their dreams. Sure, you four already planned the karmic justice thing, but remember joy must come across. If you’re gonna play games let them be illuminating. Donna, it will be your love of animals that will reignite Bobby, and Greg, the illness you agreed to will help Sally get her medicine back, so to speak. And on top of all that, you’ll be running into these other guys,” the man swept his arm around to indicate the other members, “plus you’ll be running into many of the 81 already over there — including your grandparents on Sally’s side. Got all that straight?”
Greg and Donna nodded.
The man clicked the handheld device and a new image came on the screen. It was of a man standing alone in a back yard. There are several tall trees around, but the man is standing in a clear area, looking up at the stars. The man is frozen in reverie.
“We all know who that is. It’s Crazy Eddie. There he is looking up at the stars again. We all know he’s got a lot of issues he’s dealing with, but we know he’s important for drawing the group together. Many of you leaving today will consider him like a grandfather in years to come, although none of you will really be his grandkids. But that is something that will be very good for him. Being a grandpa will open up a whole new era for him. Now, of course, he’s too damn busy daydreaming. And he’s still in the process of being a parent. We hope to be able to channel some information through him, but we’re not sure he’ll be open enough. But check with him while you’re there. In a few years he’ll be getting crazy ideas about tribes. What it really is, is that he’ll be remembering the sub-soul-group. I just hope he doesn’t get it confused with the tribe thing he and several of you guys did way back when. Perhaps that last group that came in will straighten him out.”
A fresh round of laughter.
A new scene was on the screen. It was of two middle-aged lovers who had recently ended other relationships. “And as all of you know, these will be my parents, for I, too, am headed out the back jack after the meeting. These folks thought they were beyond having more children, but I plan on freaking them out. Yup, this will be the life when I finally get to be a comedian. It will be at a time when laughing is extremely important. I always get the hard jobs.”
More laughter.
The man used the hand-held device to show every scenario that everyone was entering. It took almost as long as an Oscars broadcast.
Copyright by White Feather. All Rights Reserved. Thanks for reading.