

The article humorously contemplates the significance and hidden meanings of triangles found in everyday life, particularly in soup.


The whimsical piece titled "Triangles in My Soup" delves into the author's musings about the ubiquity of triangles in daily experiences, from soup noodles to the pyramids, and their potential symbolic messages. The author playfully suggests that these three-sided shapes could represent stability and balance in life, akin to the Bermuda Triangle's mysteries, or even mirror the complexities of human emotions and relationships. Despite the tongue-in-cheek analysis, the article encourages readers to appreciate the fun in overthinking the shapes that surround us, inviting them to join in the contemplation of the hidden language of geometry in our everyday existence.


  • Triangles are perceived as having a potentially profound significance, akin to the enigmatic nature of cats.
  • The article suggests that triangles in soup could be a reminder to maintain a balanced life, much like the stable structure of the shape itself.
  • The author proposes a humorous "Conspiracy Soup Theory," where triangles in soup are seen as a playful nod from the universe about life's unpredictability.
  • The concept of a "Bermuda Soup Triangle" is introduced to humorously explain the disappearance of food items in a bowl of soup.
  • Emotions are likened to triangles, with the shape representing the complexity of the human emotional spectrum.
  • Love is humorously compared to a triangle, reflecting on the often complicated nature of relationships.
  • A playful rivalry is set up between triangles and squares, with triangles symbolizing the more adventurous and edgy aspects of life.
  • The author concludes that while there's no need to fear triangles, finding meaning in them adds a layer of enjoyment to the mundane.

Triangles in My Soup

Overthinking Everyday Shapes and Their Darker Meanings

Photo by Issaurinko on iStockPhoto

“soup! The nourishing delight of humanity! But wait… why is there a triangle in it?!”

We’ve all been there. (No? Just me? Alright then). But stick around. What if I told you that your soup and many other daily staples are trying to communicate through shapes? Let’s explore the mysterious depths of the simple triangle and its occult origins. And yes, I might be overthinking it. Bear with me.

The Trajectory of the Triangle

I believe Triangles are the cats of the geometric world: elegant, mysterious, and potentially plotting world domination. The three points might stand for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Too simple? Okay, let’s dive deeper.

Triangles are EVERYWHERE. The pyramids? Triangular. The food pyramid? Ironically, it is also triangular. The Deathly Hallows symbol? Yet again, a triangle. They’re subtly whispering, “We’re watching you.” And they’re apparent about it, too.

The Conspiracy Soup Theory

Imagine this: You’re devouring your warm bowl of chicken noodle soup, your soul is about to be caressed, and then… BAM! A noodle floats up, shaped suspiciously like a triangle. Coincidence? I think not.

It’s said that the triangle is a symbol of stability with its strong base. But what if it’s a symbol reminding us to “stay grounded” amidst our chaotic lives? Like, “Hey there, buddy. Remember to balance work, rest, and play, alright?”

The Bermuda Soup Triangle

Remember the Bermuda Triangle, where planes and ships vanish? Now, focus on your soup. Have you ever noticed how some of your favorite veggies mysteriously disappear, only to emerge once you’ve given up hope? Maybe there’s a mini Bermuda Triangle in every bowl.

On a practical note, it reminds us that things in life often go missing when we least expect: socks, sanity, and that earring back I’ve been searching for since 2017.

The Trigonometry of Emotions

Triangles have three sides, much like our emotional state: the good, the bad, and the ugly. It’s almost as if triangles are a stark reminder of the triad of our emotions. So, when your toast lands on the triangular side, it could be the universe’s way of telling you to address your three-fold emotional quotient. Or it could mean you’re clumsy.

The Love Triangle

Ah, love! It is such a profound emotion that we experience, yet it’s fraught with complications. Why can’t there be a straight line between two points? Why does it have to bend and twist into a triangle? The soup’s triangle reminds us that even the most straightforward things, like eating, can sometimes be messy and complicated.

Triangle vs. Square: The Eternal Battle

Shapes can be aggressive. You’re not alone if you ever felt your square-shaped cracker is more wholesome than the triangular one. It’s like the Beatles vs. the Stones but in the world of shapes. Triangles, with their sharp edges, represent the edgier aspects of life. Squares? They’re like that reliable friend who’s always there but is scared of roller coasters.

Should We Fear the Triangle?

After this deep and slightly off-the-rails exploration, do we need to be wary of triangles? No. But there’s joy in finding fun, weird meanings in the mundane. It’s like deciphering a hidden language of shapes in our soup.

When you spot a triangle in your soup, give it a nod. Recognize its silent cry for attention or slurp it away. Either way, you’re now part of a secret club that overthinks the geometric nuances of daily life. Welcome!

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