avatarHashan & Snowy



Photo by Prateek Katyal on Unsplash

Vibrant and flourishing, a cruel reminder of how wisdom forsaken you when you have forsaken her. It grows in a gleaming sun, unhinged in freedom. For it kept no vows to men. No pledges to strangers.

I placed the shackles on myself when promises were made to men who conceived to use me. For we were hungry not of sustenance but spirituality and I mistook wickedness as my solution to pang this wound. With a simple phrase “I will do that” I began to chisel at my freedom.

And with scheming hearts and desire to use me for plunder; so began my new master’s wrongdoings. I slaved away to bring them treasures and my prize was torment to my soul as the list of wrongs grew. And so began the slow creep of fog from me and my true Lord.

Brick by brick the prison was being made as His light slowly dimmed away.

And as darkness peered into my eyes, the dark elixir of death poured into my throat. It wasn’t long before these “saviours” became the only antidote I could see to soothe that trauma I was tearing inside of me.

Because I had given my word so easily, it was theirs to play and toy with.

Through actions I became a terrible version of myself, and before wisdom could throw a lifeline at me, the hole I dug had sealed shut.

To be honest, it was me who cast aside the help she sent me before it was too late for her to save me.

I reminiscence the times where I had friends who strived hard. They toiled away in the fields, making meagre scrappings of food. But they kept silent as I laughed and mocked them. They kept their word to themselves. For they know the greatest prize was freedom.

And whatever little they earn is far abundant than me, the thief who ran to wickedness with such aloofness that it was merely foolish.

How can I chuckle now, for I got everything I deserve. Nothing less short of a man who coveted what others earned and spat at God’s grace as He openly offered them to me.

All that us left is to repent and see how wisdom thrives but without me. I am just the example for bystanders to view how breaking the commandments go. For there is nothing but anarchy and discord to seep into man’s heart outside of God. And no wisdom to be found in the error of following my ways.

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