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The article discusses the concept of the "rat race," the factors that keep individuals trapped in it, and strategies for escaping it.


The "rat race" is a metaphor for the endless, often unfulfilling pursuit of success and financial stability that many people find themselves in. The article identifies three main factors that contribute to this cycle: financial dependence, fear of change, and societal expectations. Financial dependence on a steady paycheck and the need to support family and pay bills create a fear of risk-taking. The innate human preference for comfort and predictability further exacerbates this fear, making any change seem threatening. Additionally, societal norms and expectations pressure individuals to follow conventional paths, such as securing a stable job and starting a family, which can stifle personal aspirations and the pursuit of unconventional career paths. To break free from the rat race, the author suggests financial planning to achieve financial freedom, embracing change through incremental steps, and redefining success to focus on personal fulfillment and the journey rather than financial achievement.


  • The author believes that the pursuit of financial freedom often leads to a neglect of personal well-being and health.
  • Financial security is seen as a significant barrier to escaping the rat race due to the fear of the unknown and potential financial risks.
  • The article posits that humans are inherently resistant to change due to a preference for comfort and predictability, which can prevent them from pursuing new opportunities.
  • Societal expectations are viewed as a powerful force that discourages individuals from exploring unconventional paths or starting their own ventures.
  • The author emphasizes the importance of a financial plan and investment strategies to provide a safety net for those looking to exit the rat race.
  • Embracing change is encouraged through a methodical approach, breaking down changes into smaller, manageable steps.
  • Success should be redefined to encompass personal fulfillment and the individual journey, rather than being solely tied to financial success.
  • The author values personal stories and encourages readers to share their strategies for escaping the rat race.
The Rat Race, Illustration by Steve Cutts

Trapped in the Rat Race: 3 Factors That Keep Us Stuck, and How to Escape

“The trouble with the rat race is that even if you win, you’re still a rat.” — Lily Tomlin

Life is beautiful. At least that’s what they used to say.

But is that really true?

Today most of us find ourselves in a daily grind of modern life, endlessly chasing success, stardom, and financial freedom.

We do this at the expense of our own well-being, and our own health.

We are all rats in the endless rat race, the race that has no end. Check out the short film story by Steve Cutts that vividly captures this concept.

So we know what the rat race is, and that we are all trapped in it. But how often do we take steps to get out of the rat race? What are some of the factors that keep us trapped?

#1 Financial Dependence

Who doesn’t need money, eh?

We need to pay the bills, and put food in our mouths, don’t we?

We need to support our families and our children.

To get out of the so-called rat race we need to step out into a different, potentially more risky, path.

We need to venture into the unknown.

A place that may not guarantee a steady paycheck.

The fear of losing financial security can be paralyzing for most of us, and that is what prevents us from taking that leap.

I have found myself getting more and more stuck into this mindset as I have taken on more responsibilities with age: from supporting my family to paying for my children’s education to paying off the mortgage, …

#2 Fear of Change

But there’s more to it than financial dependence.

Humans love comfort. We love familiarity.

Any change, however big or small, can introduce a fear in our minds that we are wired to react impulsively to and treat the change as a potential threat.

We tend to feel more comfortable when we know what to expect, and any change disrupts that sense of predictability.

Change also makes us feel unsettled for fear of losing control of our lives. This lack of control makes us feel anxious and fearful.

I remember the day I took a detour from my typical morning route to the office. I had to do this due to a road diversion. But that minor change in route — one that had no material impact on my life — made me uncomfortable.

The irony is that most of us are aware that we are in the rat race, and we find our current lives unfulfilling. Yet, we are so comfortable with the daily route, our lifestyles, that we don’t want to change it.

This fear of change can be so strong in our minds that it can create a psychological barrier, and prevent us from trying anything new or different.

#3 Societal Expectations

The rat race has become so common and ingrained in our society that it is considered as a socially accepted norm.

I remember growing up as a child in a typical Asian family, surrounded by a traditional society. I was taught to pursue the conventional path of completing my education, securing a stable job, and starting a family.

I had wanted to pursue an MBA right after my bachelor of engineering, but several of my extended family members talked me out of that idea. It was only several years later, well into my middle career, did I finally get back to school for an MBA. And to this day I regret not having done that sooner.

How many parents actively encourage their children to try unconventional career paths? Or to work in a startup versus an established corporation? Or to even start their own venture?

While cultures and societies are becoming more progressive, they still have a large influence on all of us, and on our decision-making.

Thinking of taking an unchartered path can create feelings of judgment or perceived failure in our minds, which can discourage us from taking the first step.

Escaping the Rat Race

All that being said, how do we escape from this rat race? What is the magic formula?

There is no magic formula, but there are some tactics and approaches we can adopt in order to get out of the rate race.

#1 Financial Planning

Most of us are chasing the riches without knowing what we need. Do you have a target $ amount set for your financial freedom?

I started financial planning several years ago, and have maintained a spreadsheet that captures exactly how much finances I need to accumulate over the years before I can live purely with passive income.

Having a financial plan that includes savings and investment strategies to provide a safety net helps us to be more open to trying different paths that may pose a financial risk otherwise.

#2 Embrace Change

I know this is easier said than done, but there are strategies that can help us to embrace change more easily.

The best strategy I have found is to write down and quantify the change itself, and why I am fearful of it.

I also like to write down the baby steps I will take to move in the direction of the change. In most cases, these incremental changes are quite small and less intimidating, and make it less likely for me to give up altogether.

Here’s one of my favorite quotes by Jim Rohn which summarizes this idea:

“Your life does not get better by chance, it gets better by change.” — Jim Rohn

#3 Redefine Success

Last, but certainly not least, we need to redefine success.

What do I mean by it?

Many of us see success as some kind of financial achievement, which I think is a very narrow view.

Personally, I have come to appreciate my unique life story, and I know that I have a unique path forward. Success to me is whatever makes me feel fulfilled, and I know that I am taking steps to get closer to that. Success to me is in the journey, not the destination.

Changing the definition of success can help us feel less intimidated by taking a leap out of the rat race.

So, have you decided to get out of the rat race yet? What are your strategies for escaping the rat race? I would love to hear your stories in the comments below!

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