avatarLiam Ireland


Trapped In Glass

A Place Of Reflection

Photo by Artyom Kim on Unsplash

I wrote this poem in reaction to somebody who I suspect, with good cause, of having me silenced by moderators on an internet site I am a member of with false accusations. I am now suspended from the commentary feature until further notice. I will probably leave when my work is done.


They put me inside a prison of glass

For something, I said sometime in the past

They won’t tell me what, who, how, or why

I have my suspicions I made someone cry

I thought we’d made up, shook hands and kissed

Clearly, there was something I had patently missed

Sometimes my friends tap the window and wave

Through the crystal walls of my transparent cave

I wonder if she knows the trouble she has caused

Or if she claps with a round of applause

I wonder if she is happy now I have been gagged

A stern telling off with a forefinger wagged

This vitreous cell shall contain not my dreams

I can straddle the world deaf to the screams

Of the world outside far beyond my realm

This unfair treatment shall not overwhelm

In my fertile imagination, the whole world is mine

I can close my eyes and see with my mind

I am the king of my very own domain

And I’m happy to accept that here I shall remain

I shall build castles for a brave new world

Where I am alone giving it a whirl

I shall pass my time with a cloud’s grace

The brilliant stars will light up my face

I will chase my dreams like a beautiful spaniel

Running after butterflies across a field called Nathaniel

And imprisonment shall not wither me not one jot

In my mind, I am happy with my lot

I thank you kindly for the good turn I received

I can’t tell you how much I am relieved

I know you wanted to teach me a lesson

But in actual fact, you gave me a blessing

You saved me from having to deal with you

I would rather deal with a tatty old shoe

An old raincoat will never let you down

It’s so much better than seeing your frown

I bid you a good life in your struggle to shine

But your light will never be brighter than mine.

Short Stories And Poems
A Poem
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