avatarRui Alves



With these words, I become you

Photo by ImageParty from Pixabay

If my thoughts were waves you the Zephyrs on a beach if my dreams were cliffs you a Lily of the Valley if my soul was the desert you the oasis of a mirage if my lips were but a kiss you the zenith of an abyss if my heart was a volcano you the blood in my veins if my arms were like rivers you the sea and its embrace if my eyes were mirrors you a reflection of myself if my voice was Legion you the Babel of Shinar if my body is your home you the mainstay of my love if my writing is alchemy you the Sorceress Stone if my words are like stars you are a poem in the sky

Dearest, I am here for you.¹

You were there in the beginning; you will be there in the end; the beginning is the end is the beginning. I am your omega; you are my alpha until we meet again in the heart of a dying star, atoms to atoms, dust to stardust.

Dearest, I know you are there.²

We are offspring of supernovae, and to the stars, we shall one day return to be all again in a nebula of extinct light where our hearts will beat as one to the celestial rhythm of our pulsar until our atoms are again split in a fiery supernova til we meet again in the unfathomable vastness of the multiverse.

Capelinhos lighthouse | Photo by the author

I recited a shorter version of the initial stanza in Portuguese while bending the knee atop an ash-covered hill at the Capelinhos volcano in the Azores.

According to Azorean lore, Faial Island is one of the remnants of the nine mountains of Atlantis.

Here’s how the legend unfolds in my poetic vision, drawing inspiration from local folklore and Plato’s dialogue Critias.

In the divine assembly summoned by Poseidon’s decree, a council convened, Atlantis to decree. A punishment resounds, an exemplary penance echoed through sky and sea, sealing the Atlantes state.

Tectonic forces stirred as gargantuan earthquakes shook the land at the gods’ command. Atlantis quivered; beneath the wrathful sky, night descended as daylight became a lullaby.

Fire danced, consuming forest and field, a celestial verdict relentlessly revealed. The sea rose, with waves mighty and tall, engulfing everything in their relentless thrall.

Swiftly, Atlantis sunk into the Earth’s magma; yet remnants lingered, peaks of extinct lava. Mountains once proud, above waters only islands reside where Atlantis did hide.

Nine islands emerged; the Azores took flight, a new oracle to the gods and their celestial might. In the immensity of the ocean, Atlantis rests as a poetic remembrance of heroes and their quests.

Inspired by the legend of Atlantis, I carried the One Ring That Would Unite Us up the charred slopes of Capelinhos, and inspired by Thich Nhat Hanh I recited my mantras of love to the One I Adore at a place I like to call the Oracle of Atlantis.

Capelinhos, Faial, Azores | Photo by the author

Namaste! Thank you for the offering of your precious time. Your kindness brings me closer to finding my way around the maze. Bless you!


1. “First Mantra of Love” by Thich Nhat Hanh 2. “Second Mantra of Love” by Thich Nhat Hanh

This Happened To Me
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