Top Writers on Social Media
I made it to the list.
Social Media
Writing is tough, and what is doubly tough is making money from writing. But the race isn't a sprint but a marathon. I know I write because I have stories to share. Writing on Medium makes me a better writer. The money will come soon, not later. Words do have power, right?
I had my share of top writer badges in the past, and I lost them all. To my surprise, this month I became a top writer on social media again, it is a hard topic to be a top writer, a quick look on Medium says 126K writers are using the tag ‘social media’ and there are 270,000 stories.
Being a top writer doesn’t mean I’m one the best. By using the right tags on your stories and by writing consistently about the topic, there is a chance that you will qualify to be one among the top 50 writers list.
I don’t know what are the metrics considered by Medium, but I’m grateful to be part of the list.
Here is the complete list of the Top 50 writers on social media, it includes familiar names. If you haven't checked out their profiles and stories, click their names below.
- Burk
- Shannon Ashley
- Dan Foster
- Paul Walker
- Taylor B.
- Ash Jurberg
- Gillian Sisley
- Tom Kuegler
- Kristina God
- Jenn Leach
- Casey Botticello
- Bonnie Joy Sludikoff
- Keith McNulty
- PomeroySays
- Keith Dias
- Yana Bostongirl
- Hogan Torah
- @DFRLab
- Ryan Porter
- Argumentative Penguin
- Walter Rhein
- Smillew Rahcuef
- Megan Holstein
- Lisa Martens
- Carmellita
- Josh Spector
- Andrey Pilipets
- Phaylen Fairchild
- Kelsey Kryger
- Jack Luna
- Sophie Albo
- Matt Lillywhite
- Pete Ross
- Napoleon
- Sah Kilic
- Dina Alexander
- Balancing Act
- Alexei Sorokin
- Jessica Lynn
- Stealing Sanity~TB
- Illumination YouTube Coordinator
- Louis Rosenberg
- Erik Brown
- Warren Patterson
- Alex Milner
- J.Cienfuegos
- Kéliane Martenon
- sebastianpartogi
- Myriad Social
- Melissa Smith
In closing, I want to remind myself to stay grateful and always be curious. Writing on Medium isn't a competition, we all have a space here, we all have an audience, and we can share readers and learn from each other.
If you are new, keep on writing, I started the same way and I’m still writing.
Thank you for reading.