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Top 10 Deadliest Animals on Planet Earth With Fun Facts

This planet is full of different species of animals and birds, some are cute and cuddly and are domesticated by humans, and others are very deadly, dangerous and venomous.

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10 of the World's Deadliest Animals

Here is the list of 10 deadly and most dangerous animals on the planet, you would never ever want to mess with.

  1. Komodo dragon
  2. Crowned eagle
  3. Anaconda
  4. Poison dart frog
  5. Hippopotamus
  6. Blue-ringed octopus
  7. Box jellyfish
  8. Polar bear
  9. Saltwater crocodile
  10. Mosquito
Komodo Dragon Photo by Balaji Malliswamy on Unsplash

1. Komodo Dragon

Weighing more than 300 pounds and length reaching up to 10 feet, the Komodo dragon is the biggest and heaviest lizard on the earth.

Found in Indonesian islands of Komodo, with a big snake-like tongue, this giant lizard is even bigger than a crocodile, and is also very venomous.

A prey feeling lucky enough to get out of its mouth alive, would not even survive longer because of its super toxic venom, which causes lowering the blood pressure, induces shock, massive bleeding, and prevent clotting, leading to death.

Komodo dragon's shark-like big teeth can eat anything from cows, pigs, deer to as big as water buffalo and even humans.

Fun fact

Although Komodo dragons can't see or hear very well, but they have an amazing sense of smell. Instead of noses, they use their forked tongue to smell. By using their tongue they can smell dead animals to feed on, from four to ten kilometres away.

Crowned Eagle Photo by Gio's Studio on Unsplash

2. Crowned Eagle

There are more than 30 types of eagle, but the crowned eagle is the most dangerous of all. If we call it the most dangerous bird, it would not be an exaggeration. It is found in the mountains, grasslands, and forests of Southeastern, and Central Africa.

Out of the way the crowned eagle has very large talons and strong legs, which help to kill its prey by crushing their skulls and breaking their spines. It can attack on prey even four times bigger than its size.

It often kills its prey by taking them high in the air and then throwing them down from height. An incident was also reported in America where a crowned eagle attacked a small girl in a park.

Fun fact

These birds are monogamous and mate for life, and breed once every two years. After breeding, the pair start to build a huge nest, on a large forest tree, where female fetch building material, whereas male seems to be more active in nest construction. Egg laying seems to peak from July to November, in which the female lays 1 to 2 eggs.

Green Anaconda Photo by Dev Abhiram on Unsplash

3. Green Anaconda

There are various types of anaconda but Green Anaconda also known as the 'giant anaconda' is the most treacherous one of all.

This 20 to 30 feet long snake, weighing up to 550 pounds and more than 12 inches in diameter, is the biggest and heaviest snake on the earth.

This South American snake is non-venomous unlike other snakes, but its huge weight and size are what makes it deadly. This giant snake can elongate to the size of a school bus and coils itself around its prey until it asphyxiates.

They usually feed on deer, turtles, wild pigs, and even jaguars, and after eating a big meal they can survive for weeks or even months without eating food.

Fun fact

The female anaconda is larger and heavier than the male anaconda. Anaconda exhibits the largest sexual dimorphism, with the females larger in size, than any other tetrapod species. The average size of a female is about 15 feet (4.5 m), whereas the average size of a male anaconda is 9 feet (2.7 m).

Poison Dart Frog Photo by cindy woon on Unsplash

4. Poison Dart Frog

This colorful tiny creature might look beautiful, but it is the highly toxic animal in the world. These beautiful and vibrant colored species can be seen in red, blue, copper, gold, green, yellow, and black colors.

Found in the tropical forests of Costa Rica and Brazil, these frogs are very poisonous. Hunters in South America used their poisons to hunt other animals.

This species that have great toxicity derive this from the food they eat, like, ants, mites, and termites. One Golden poison frog is toxic enough to kill ten grown men, so if you ever see them, just don't get attracted to their beautiful colors, just run right away quickly.

Fun fact

The drug called 'Epibatidine,' extracted from these poison dart frogs, apparently acts as a strong pain killer. Its pain-killing properties are even two hundred times stronger than morphine.

Hippopotamus Photo by Cheryl Jayaratne on Unsplash

5. Hippopotamus

This animal can weigh up to 4 tons, and its size can be 9.5 to 14 feet. They are often considered very calm and sluggish animals, and you enjoy watching them in zoos unless you see them in the wild. When it comes to humans or any threatening animal they can be very aggressive.

Hippos are the deadliest land animal, with an average killing of 500 people per year in Africa. They are territorial, and if you enter into their territory, they may consider you a threat, and they will not hesitate to harm you anyway.

Female hippos give birth to a baby every two years, and after giving birth, both the mother and calf are provided with protection from wild animals like lions, hyenas, and crocodiles.

Fun fact

Hippos secrete a red oily substance which gave rise to the myth that hippos sweat blood. But in fact, this oily red liquid keeps their skin moisturized, and acts like a sunblock. It may also provide protection against germs.

Blue-ringed Octopus Photo by Kris-Mikael Krister on Unsplash

6. Blue-ringed Octopus

Found in the tide pools in the Pacific Ocean between Japan and Australia and also in Indo-Pacific islands, this Blue-ringed octopus family consists of four venomous species of octopus which are small in size but deadly toxic.

This 10 cms long animal is the coolest looking of all octopuses, but that does not mean you should ever go near it. Their venom is enough to kill 20 adult humans within a few minutes, and there is still no antidote for its poison. But don't worry, they won't attack, unless they feel provoked.

Mostly they are found in yellow or sand colors, and bright blue rings appear when they are about to attack, so whenever you see a glowing cool blue-ringed octopus, just don't ever try to mess with this tiny super venomous creature.

Fun fact

Blue-ringed octopus has a short life span of about 2 years. Both males and females die, during the reproductive process. Soon after mating, the male dies. The female lays eggs, and incubates them for six months. During this time, she doesn't feed at all and dies of starvation.

Box Jellyfish Photo by Billy Huynh on Unsplash

7. Box Jellyfish

Jellyfish is the most toxic animal on planet Earth. Its venom is a direct threat to your skin, your nervous system, and ultimately your heart. They usually live in the water of Northern Australia and the Indo-Pacific.

The notorious box jellyfish develops its deadly venom to instantly stun or kill prey, like shrimps and fishes, so they don't struggle to escape and damage its delicate tentacles. Their size can be as long as 10 feet, and its pale blue color makes it a perfect camouflage in the deep water of ocean.

Its single sting can cause overwhelming pain, and multiple stings can cause human victims to go into shock and drown or die of a heart attack shortly, so never ever try to mess with this deadly creature.

Fun fact

Box jellyfish can reproduce both sexually, and asexually. They have the ability to produce both sperm and eggs independently, irrespective of their gender. In adult stages, sexual reproduction can happen, when adults release sperm and eggs in the water. Fertilization takes place and creates larvae. Larvae then reproduce asexually and create clones. These clones are attached to larvae until they become adults.

Polar bear Photo by Hans-Jurgen Mager on Unsplash

8. Polar Bear

Polar bears might look cute and cuddly, but one should stay far away from them as they are hyper-carnivorous.

These about 8 feet tall and 900 to 1600 pounds heavy Arctic inhabitants are covered in thick coats of heavy white insulated fur, which protects them from the extreme and harshest cold of the Arctic region.

They have black skin underneath the white fur to better soak the sun's warming rays.

They usually feed on seals and carcasses of dead whales, but their hyper-carnivorous nature and no fear of humans make them dangerous animals.

Fun fact

Polar bears like to be clean and dry, and when they get dirty, for example, after meals, they roll on an ice surface to clean their fur, because wet and dirty fur is a poor insulator. And in the Arctic's extreme cold, insulation is the key to survival.

Saltwater Crocodile Photo by Matthew Essman on Unsplash

9. Saltwater Crocodile

These epic animals weighing around 1000 pounds and their length reaching 17 feet, are often referred to as 'salties'.

They don't specifically hunt humans, but they are opportunistic predators; they can eat anything close to their jaws, including wild boars, monkeys, to as big as water buffalo, sharks, and even humans.

Due to its power, speed, and intimidating size, the survival of the victim is highly unlikely, If the crocodile is able to make direct contact.

An estimated 1000 humans are getting killed by crocodiles per year, all around the world, which is way more than sharks.

Fun fact

They have the strongest bite of any living animal. The saltwater crocodile has been confirmed as having the highest bite force ever recorded for an animal, which was 9.59-meter-long (15 ft 1 in) when tested in laboratory settings.

Mosquito Photo by Erik Karits on Unsplash

10. Mosquito

Don't underestimate the power of this tiny creature. They are found almost everywhere on this planet, and cause much more fatality than any other animal or insect.

This animal, as small as 3 mm, is responsible for a crazy number of deaths; about 750,000 people are killed every year by mosquito-borne diseases.

There are about 3000 different kinds of mosquitoes around the world, and many of them carry diseases like, chikungunya, encephalitis, yellow fever, malaria, Zika virus, and most famous of all, dengue.

About 700 million people are getting bitten by these animals every year. According to World Health Organization, more than half of the human population is at risk of diseases that come from mosquitoes.

Fun fact

Most people think that all mosquitoes bite, but this may surprise you, that only female mosquitoes bite. The blood provides them with protein and other compounds that are essential to help them produce and develop eggs.

Which animal scares you most?

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