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The author reflects on their naivety, viewing it as both a vulnerability and a protective shield that has allowed them to live a charmed life filled with unexpected blessings and lucky escapes.


The author of the web content muses on their inherent naivety, which has led them to believe in the goodness of people and the world around them. Despite being perceived as overly trusting and perhaps foolish, this trait has ironically served as a guardian, granting them a life with more fortunate outcomes than their peers. Their belief in a Hollywood-like world has become a self-fulfilling prophecy, allowing them to persevere through challenges by always expecting to find light in darkness and meaning amidst chaos. The author acknowledges that their naivety has made them both stupid and blessed, echoing a Native American proverb that suggests divine protection for those considered crazy.


  • The author believes that their naivety has been a source of protection, leading to a series of fortunate events and lucky escapes.
  • They hold the conviction that by believing in a better world, they have been able to create one for themselves.
  • The author sees their tendency to find goodness and a guiding force in life as a direct result of their naivety.
  • They suggest that refusing to acknowledge chaos has enabled them to find meaning and purpose in life's darkest moments.
  • The author agrees with the sentiment that God protects those who are deemed crazy or naive, considering it a form of divine favor.

Too Naive for This World


A much younger me.

I have always been too naive for this world. People have said. Believing everything that anybody told me, For instance. Shedding compassionate tears for folks who Didn’t need it - Who never felt the least bit tearful For themselves.

Ironically, naivete has protected me - Enabling me To survive with more lucky escapes Than my peers. Since I believed in a Hollywood world, I’ve Lived in one. Believing that we could outlive anything, I have.

Seeing Good where it may not have been, I have been good. Assuming a plan, I have always perceived A Planner. Expecting Light in the darkest places, I have seen light. Refusing to acknowledge Chaos, I’ve Found meaning.

In being naive, I have been stupid And blessed. God protects crazy people, the Native Americans said. I think they were right.

Secret Of A Happy Life
Whatever Works
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