avatarLucy Dan 蛋小姐 (she/her/她)


The website content is a personal and reflective poem titled "to my deceased orchid," which serves as an apology to a Valentine's Day gift orchid that did not survive the author's care.


The poem "to my deceased orchid" is an expression of regret and sorrow by the author, Lucy Dan 蛋小姐, who received the orchid as a Valentine's Day gift. Despite her efforts to care for the plant by watering it appropriately and providing sunlight without scorching its leaves, the orchid's petals fell, its leaves turned yellow and flaked off, leading to its demise. The author acknowledges the plant's death and metaphorically replaces its pot with a tiny cream cheese tub, symbolizing the transition from life to death. The piece concludes with a tagging section, inviting others to participate in a writing prompt to compose poems to plants that did not survive their care, indicating a community engagement aspect related to the theme of nurturing and loss.


  • The author feels responsible for the orchid's death, as indicated by the poem's apologetic tone.
  • There is a sense of initial optimism turned to disappointment, as the orchid was a gift that was "broken from the start."
  • The author attempts to balance care with caution, illustrating the delicate nature of tending to orchids.
  • The poem reflects a personal journey of learning and acceptance, as the author comes to terms with the orchid's death.
  • The act of writing the poem serves as a therapeutic process for the author to cope with the loss of the plant.
  • By inviting others to write similar poems, the author suggests a shared experience among plant enthusiasts who have faced similar challenges.

to my deceased orchid

an apology poem

Photo by Thomas Kinto on Unsplash

this one’s for my deceased orchid

a valentine’s day gift broken from the start

pot shattered by my beloved replaced by a tiny cream cheese tub

I watered you but tried not to overwater you and gave you sunlight but tried not to scorch your leaves

but one by one your petals fell your leaves turned yellow until they flaked off, dry as a cornflake.

rest in peace, dear orchid.

Tagging Em Hoccane | Isha Tewari Srivastava | Niru | Dr. Preeti Singh | Rusty Alderson | Dana Sanford| Radhika Ghose | Sahil Patel if you’re up to it and anyone else interested in today’s prompt: write a poem to a plant that didn’t survive your … endeavours.

How to join: include the original post of the person who tagged you for reference and tag 5–10 other people (or simply ‘tag all’) who might be interested in this prompt! (Ps, there’s no deadline!)

Hi, I’m Lucy Dan 蛋小姐 (she/her/她) and I write mostly poetry but also creative non-fiction about my experiences navigating the world as an Asian-Canadian woman. And also as someone with anything but a green thumb, as evidenced here.

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