


Oh, I lost interest

Photo by Goran Ivos on Unsplash

It wasn’t too late

no, it is never too late

but only sometimes, it is a bit late

by the time I built myself a perfect nook to read,

a perfect carpet to lay on with the pile of books I so wanted to


I couldn’t read anymore

by the time I arranged those books in alphabetic order

some in chronological and some colour co-ordinated ways

I wasn’t interested in those stories anymore

by the time I had a nice brown wooden floor to sit down and sing

I had lost my voice and I didn’t sing anymore

by the time I created a nice red bright altar

and had it arranged with all the idols and photographs of my guru’s and my favourite Gods

I didn’t feel like praying to anyone anymore

by the time, I bought the instruments I wanted to so play,

I didn’t want to play them, at all

by the time, I had a small patch of soil to grow all my little trees and plants

the gardener in me had died

by the time, I bought myself the exotic yoga mat and those curated candles to light by my practice,

I had forgotten those asanas, and my body moved no more as I wished,

yes, time gave me things, I wished I had

but I wanted them no more!

and just like that, it was time and there was no more time to do all those things, I so badly wanted to do once upon a time

So friends, lets wait no more

for time is going to fly anyway

that is the nature of time, and it slips away, it goes away

but you have you, NOW, and you have You.

If you liked what you read, then please share my work ahead. Also, you would like to read a brilliant article I read on Medium by another author. Here it goes. It’s written by Lee Byrd. I thought her article was thoroughly soulful and authentic. I learned so much by reading this and a few other writings by her. Do give it a read and a thumbs up if you like it.


Lessons Learned
This Happened To Me
Dep Poetry
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