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The article outlines three unique habits that contribute to exceptional mental toughness, setting individuals apart from the majority.


The article emphasizes the importance of embracing negative emotions, involving spiritual faith, and focusing on personal passions as key habits for developing extraordinary mental resilience. It suggests that acknowledging and using negative feelings as catalysts for growth, rather than suppressing them, is crucial for mental strength. The role of faith, particularly in God, is presented as a supportive factor in overcoming mental health challenges and fostering confidence and mental toughness. Additionally, the article highlights the significance of channeling one's energy into passions, asserting that dedication to one's interests leads to greater focus and resilience, supported by research on the subject.


  • Negative emotions should be acknowledged and utilized as a foundation for personal development and transformation.
  • Involving God in one's life is advocated as a means to enhance mental toughness and navigate through difficult times with greater ease.
  • The article expresses that having a clear passion and focusing intently on it can significantly improve one's mental fortitude.
  • The author shares personal experiences and testimonies to reinforce the effectiveness of these habits in achieving mental strength.
  • The article implies that these habits are not commonly practiced, which is why they distinguish the mentally toughest 1% of people from the rest.

Three Unique Habits That Will Make You More Mentally Tough Than 99% of People

Be the 1% of mentally tough people

Photo by Caroline Veronez on Unsplash

Don’t you want to be mentally tough?

You wake up and get up from your bed. You don’t feel depressed.

You walk up to your bathroom mirror, and your face doesn’t look helpless or sad. Instead, it’s full of hope.

As you look into the mirror, your body language gives off the aura you can take on the world.

You aren’t depressed anymore.

As you get ready for work, you receive a notification from Instagram.

You open it, and it’s a comment by someone saying rude and negative things about you. They say you’re stupid and fake.

But instead of it negatively affecting you, you take it like it’s nothing. It doesn’t bother you because you know the person is lying about you.

As you drive to work, you encounter traffic. And although being stuck in traffic would make you stressed, you’re calm.

Photo by Amanda Phung on Unsplash

Don’t you want to be this mentally tough?

Don’t you want to be calm?

Don’t you want to be a person that hateful comments against you don’t affect you?

You’ll learn three habits that’ll make you as mentally tough as 1% of people.

So, if you’re ready, let’s dive in.

Habit #1: Don’t push down negative emotions

Photo by Ben White on Unsplash

Your negative emotions are the seeds of your growth.” — Napoleon Hill

Whenever you feel sad, down, angry or worried, don’t try to shove it away because it doesn’t help.

I have a friend who tried to shove all his feelings of sadness and gloom out of his life last year.

He felt these emotions because he watched his father nearly die.

But trying to act like his feelings didn’t exist led him into depression.

He told me he became less depressed and more mentally strong by accepting his emotions and looking for ways to improve them.

The idea is to use your negative as seeds to grow into a more mentally strong person, just as Roy T. Bennett said in this quote:

“Don’t let your negative emotions hold you back; let them push you forward towards personal growth and transformation.”

This is how I use my negative emotions to become more mentally strong:

  • Whenever I feel down for a long time, I ask my parents for guidance to get out of it.
  • I don’t try to act stoic and keep all my pain to myself.

Habit #2: Involve God

Photo by Guillaume de Germain on Unsplash

“When you walk with God, you walk with confidence and mental toughness.” — Unknown

The habit I recommend most to anyone who wants to be more mentally tough is to involve God.

Why? You might ask.

Because from 2020-2022, I didn’t have good mental health.

I found it hard to take joy in anything. I was always miserable and had no self-confidence.

I let my frustrations affect the people around me. No one wanted to be around me, which only made things worse.

During this period, I would pray to God every day, begging him to help me with my situation.

God showed up for me this year, 2023, and performed a miracle by delivering me from my problem and making me more mentally tough.

I encourage you to involve God in your walk to become more mentally tough because he will make the journey easier and worth it.

When you involve God, you’ll become more formidable mentally.

Philippians 4:13 (NIV): “I can do all this through him who gives me strength.”

This is how I involve God:

  • I pray to God to take charge of my life. I ask him to be my no. 1.
  • Every day, I ask God to direct me in the day and lead me in the right emotion.

Habit #3: Put your undivided focus on your passions

Photo by Ankush Minda on Unsplash

“The only way to do great work is to love what you do. If you haven’t found it yet, keep looking. Don’t settle.” — Steve Jobs

Sometimes, I see people who can be great at something but are unaware.

These directionless people are those I find to be the most depressed.

They have no goal or passion, so they let their minds wander, and most often, they will stroll into harmful mental health.

You must be passionate about something.

Have something in mind you want to be, whether it’s to be a great soccer player or to be the next Elon Musk.

Whatever it is, your full attention must go there.

Researchers like Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi found that very focused people tend to be more resilient.

When you’re passionate about something, you’re more likely to be more focused, which helps build mental toughness.

When you’re focused, you build your mental toughness.

This is how I stay focused on writing:

  • I write from 8. p.m.-10. p.m., and when I’m ready to write, I go to my room, shut my door, and write until I’m done.
  • Whenever I’m writing, I turn off my phone and close all unnecessary tabs.
  • I look for ways to improve myself as a writer.

So, if you want to become more mentally tough, do these:

  • You use your negative feelings to grow.
  • Involve God
  • Put your focus on your passion.

My friend, I, and science prove these things to be true to help you be more mentally strong.

Consistently practice these habits for a year, and you’ll see yourself more mentally formidable than 99% of others.

Besides, don’t you want to be mentally tough?

For more exclusive posts on how to have more mental toughness, self-improvement, and ways to have better mental health, subscribe to my email letter here.

Personal Development
Self Improvement
Mental Health
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