avatarFrancis Ekwunife


Three Shameless And Simple Habits That Make Me More Socially Popular

Having more friends needn’t be painful.

Photo by Alexander Grey on Unsplash

Because you clicked on this post, I know this about you.

You have little to no friends.

Even on social media, no one follows you.

You go about your day, and no one knows the genuine person inside.

There is no one that you can be honest with.

You’re unnoticeable

It’s so bad that you cry and feel depressed sometimes.

It could get worse if you don’t read this blog.

You might even end up dying with no spouse, no children, no grandchildren, and no friend to be beside you all the time.

Your loneliness might even damage your mental health.

So why don’t you read this blog?

I was in the same position as you.

No one cared about me or wanted to talk to me, and even if they did, it was out of pity for me.

No one paid attention to me. My opinions didn’t matter. I wasn’t included in anything. I was non-existent.

Photo by Matheus Ferrero on Unsplash

But it all changed when I practiced these three habits.

For months now, everybody seems to know me. Everybody wants to be connected to me. I’ve become an icon.

So, if you’re ready, let’s dive in.

Habit #1: I pray

Photo by Samuel Martins on Unsplash

Mark 11:24 (NIV): “Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours.”

The most important habit that has helped me become more socially popular is I pray to God.

What Jesus said about asking and receiving in Mark 11:24 has been what guided me down the path of prayer.

A big reason that I’m this popular is because I pray.

This is the prayer I use to get more friends:

  • Every morning when I wake up, I kneel beside my bed, and for 5 minutes, I ask God to bless me with the right friends.
  • I pray to God for all my friends that God will bless them.

Doing this, I’ve seen my social popularity increase.

Habit #2: I assist my friends

Photo by Annie Spratt on Unsplash

“A real friend is one who walks in when the rest of the world walks out.” — Walter Winchell

To be a real friend, you must be ready to support your friend even when others condemn you.

Even if the world were to think your friend was a weirdo, you should be the first to say they’re unique in their way.

This is what I do with all my friends.

Even when I didn’t have friends, whenever people were being bullied, I stood up for them and helped people who needed assistance.

Doing this helped me to get more friends.

By doing this, I was seen as a trustworthy, kind, loving, and courageous person.

This is how I help my friends and others:

  • Whenever my friend needs my help in a project, I stop whatever I’m doing and aid them in the best way.
  • When I see others gossiped about or not being treated kindly, I stand up for them.

By assisting those I can, I have more friends.

Habit #3: I’m free with myself

Photo by Ryan Moreno on Unsplash

“Just be yourself. Let people see the real, imperfect, flawed, quirky, weird, beautiful, and magical person that you are.” — Unknown

The idea of being free with myself has always been challenging to practice.

I never thought I could ever feel free and be unrestricted.

I had to grow the habit of being free with myself.

This habit has helped me to show others who the true me is. And many people like who the genuine me is.

Some people even ask me why, last year, I would never talk or why I hid myself in a shell.

There are a lot of things that help me to be free. Here are some of them:

  • I don’t base my happiness on circumstances but only on things that truly matter.
  • Whenever I feel the urge to say or do something, I don’t think about if it will satisfy others, but I do it.
  • I participate in things I am good at, like soccer teams, because I will find people like me there.

These are the three habits that make me more socially popular.:

  • I pray to God.
  • I help my friends when they need help.
  • I’m free and authentic with who I am.

So, if you want to copy my results, you should do the same.

By practicing my habits, you will become more popular, more people will notice you, and less unknown.

You can practice this and share your results with me and a community of like-minded if you subscribe to my email list here.

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